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Mental Barrier

trials owns

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Saw a thread about this a while ago but cant find it.

Im really after some advice with my dirt jumping and trials (feel free to move it)everytime i approach a jump or try to sidehop anything higher than my knee, I chicken out and put my foot out/turn off and cant bring myself to physically try it.

So how does everyone cope with this?

Edited by trials owns
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Saw a thread about this a while ago but cant find it.

Im really after some advice with my dirt jumping and trials (feel free to move it)everytime i approach a jump or try to sidehop anything higher than my knee, I chicken out and put my foot out/turn off and cant bring myself to physically try it.

So how does everyone cope with this?

Im the same I seem to bottle out on easy things just because im high up you might want to try trashzen there's some tips on there on how to overcome the mental barrier.

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yeah its like me with drops, i use the excuse i dont want to damage my back wheel lol

i can go on my back wheel and hop of something a foot high a hundred times and not think about it, (i do do higher drops this is just an example lol) but were as say dropping off the sea wall near were i live which is about 10 foot is basicly the same technique apart from a slightly heavier landing. It gets to the point were it annoys you cuz you know technicaly you can do it but your being a chicken shit lol

i find when practicing side hops or large climbs i like to run at the obstacle a few time and deliberatly bail now so i get a feeling for what i will do if something does go wrong, but i find once you practice the timing of it and the movement it gets easier and you just need to put the right amount of effort in with a positive mental attitude.

im not that keane on highs myself so that doesnt help but personnally not being a comp rider i think trials is more about the technical skills rather than saying look how many inches higher i dropped off lol

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Yeh, this is shite. My head's always held me back from doing certains drops/lines for ages.

The first time i f**ked it up, but ended up bailing fine (it was quite funny actually). Once i knew i could bail safely, the jump was fine.

Dont think of the jump ur going to do, think of the addreline rush you get when uve done it ;)

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O yeah just two more things......

When watching videos on youtube or what ever site, DO NOT watch the bails (fails), falls or anything like that.

'Cos the videos WILL stick in your head and will put you off doing any tricks or jumps.

Remember another thing as well, Its ok to fall! It is a part of learning.


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O yeah just two more things......

When watching videos on youtube or what ever site, DO NOT watch the bails (fails), falls or anything like that.

'Cos the videos WILL stick in your head and will put you off doing any tricks or jumps.

Remember another thing as well, Its ok to fall! It is a part of learning.


yeah dont mind about fails, yeah.......i watch loads of bail vids B)

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How do people get in the zone? Ive been in it a few timea but just cant seem to get in it anymore.

Yesterday my riding was mehhh. Just couldnt concentrate on going up to front and ended up tapping nearly everytime :/.

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How do people get in the zone? Ive been in it a few timea but just cant seem to get in it anymore.

Yesterday my riding was mehhh. Just couldnt concentrate on going up to front and ended up tapping nearly everytime :/.

oooft the Zone...i love the zone, to get in the zone I

a) ride alone so you don't get someone putting you off

B) listen to tunes like fast tunes or something just listen to a tune

c) get a sweat on! , i need a towel after being in the zone ;)

d) do stretches when you start

e) do a warm up start on some lines you know you can do

f) stay hydrated, i get cramp if i don't

g) harden the f**k up

h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z now you know your alaphabet you can sing along with :)

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oooft the Zone...i love the zone, to get in the zone I

a) ride alone so you don't get someone putting you off

B) listen to tunes like fast tunes or something just listen to a tune

c) get a sweat on! , i need a towel after being in the zone ;)

d) do stretches when you start

e) do a warm up start on some lines you know you can do

f) stay hydrated, i get cramp if i don't

g) harden the f**k up

h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z now you know your alaphabet you can sing along with :)

I did all that with the addition of a can of red bull at the start,rode some natural stuff the best i ever have! Hip hop is the best in the headphones,for my riding at least,its the right sort of pace!

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I did all that with the addition of a can of red bull at the start,rode some natural stuff the best i ever have! Hip hop is the best in the headphones,for my riding at least,its the right sort of pace!

you sang the alphabet aswell?, if not your a let down :shifty:

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