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Where To Ride?

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I've just started trials and I was wonder what sort of location is best to ride for a beginner?

I mean I've started out on the street outside my house, but now I am able to rear wheel hop, trackstand, pedal kick and get on and off the curb using various techniques fine.

SO yeah, what sort of obstacles, if any would be suitable for my level? :)

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ive been using pallets they are good for progression as well or if you have any industrial estates they are usually full of low walls and such like best to ride them when they are closed though weekends after work etc

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This is the beauty of trials.

Get on your bike and start pedalling to somewhere. Keep your eyes open and you'll find something along the way that tempts you. Have a play on it, get bored, then move on!

When I go to meet the local riders here, I have to add an extra 30 minutes because im riding stuff on the way to the ride. Obviously as you get better, more and more things open up and you can do more, but if you just get out on the bike you'll find something interesting. Theres no rule as to riding certain things will make you better quicker (except natural for balance) just do everything!

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thank you guys, some really helpful advice there :) my dad works at an industrial estate so I'll be able to find loads of pallets and cable drums. and yeah I think I'll spend my weekends just riding wherever. thanks for the advice :)

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