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Osama Bin Laden Dead


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To be honest, i am not convinced by all the media coverage. Even if Bin Laden is dead, it is by no means the end of of Al Qaeda, and their network of operatives around the world. Guess they will re establish a new leader before formulating a counter-attack against the Pakistan government for exposing Bin Laden to the US.

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Even if they do establish a new leader. Osama was well educated, well linked, extremely rich and charismatic. I don't think they have anyone to fill the position in the way he did. Al Qaeda certainly won't disappear, I think it won't continue to be the threat it was over the long term though.

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I dont think its going to make any difference him being killed now, according to wikipedia (ok so its not always 100% but hey!) al qaeda has achieved most of its objectives for 2020...


On March 11, 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel's document "Al Quaeda's Strategy to the Year 2020".[38][39] Abdel Bari Atwan summarizes this strategy as comprising five stages:

  • Provoke the United States into invading a Muslim country.
  • Incite local resistance to occupying forces.
  • Expand the conflict to neighboring countries, and engage the U.S. in a long war of attrition.
  • Convert Al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against countries allied with the U.S. until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the 7 July 2005 London bombings.
  • The U.S. economy will finally collapse under the strain of too many engagements in too many places, similarly to the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Arab regimes supported by the U.S. will collapse, and a Wahhabi Caliphate will be installed across the region.

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the bin ladens family and the bush family have been good friends for years before 9-11 (if you dont believe me look it up, its well documented) i doubt he will have been killed to tell you the truth, he was only a scapegoat in the first place anyway.



Edited by mat hudson
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he's deeeeeeead. why would they lie? they aren't under any more pressure than they have been to ever find him. Why lie to victims/the world. Why make it up when all Al-Qaeda would do is denty it immediately or release a video with him saying hes not dead and quoting the events to prove its date. Why make it up when its going to seriously piss off a massive terrorist organisation?

he could of been shot a thousand times who cares. There is so much media relying on different sources all trying to get the attention of us consumers theres no chance their stories won't differ.

As always some of the story wont add up, but any story ever told can be made to not make sense if you ask a load of sources and spread it through millions of people and thousands of media feeds. Exactly like chinese whispers (on an epic scale)

he's dead, there is no reason to utter a word about him if he wasnt.

Edited by arw_86
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Unless you're the US president, quickly approaching re-election but doing really badly in recent polls... Just sayin'.

If that was the case, al-Qaida would jump at the chance to screw things up for him. In fact, it's surprising they haven't denied it, even if it is true.

The only reason I can think of for them to admit he's dead when he's not is for him to go into hiding... but he was already in hiding for years.

I think he's dead.

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