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New Age Travelers

Luke Dunstan

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I always find stories of these guys interesting, And it just got me thinking because we have two lippy kids on the shop from the fair that's in town (How can they think of questions so fast?)

Also remember the time my mate had driven us to Tesco in the afternoon, and some diddys travelling folk jumped in the back seats and made us drive them to their camp up the hill.

Anyone got any extreme stories? or just comical diddy travelling folk related happenings?


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A load of them parked up in a field near us a few years back and refused to move. The farmer just got his digger out while they were away one afternoon and built a massive dirtpile/trench thing around them. Not only stopped them being able to move at all, but also blocked out most of their sunlight too!

Sinusoidal gypo defense for the win.

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When i was a kid me and my mate got collared by a few pikeys, nothing came of it but i was surprised when one of them just squatted down in front of us and did a shit!

Also i used to drive past a pikey campsite on the way to work, and one day a few kids were throwing stones at passing lorries. One stone bounced off a lorry, hit my car and smashed the windscreen. I wasn't to bothered but i was surprised that they ran away when my screen smashed, I'm hardly likely to drive into a pikey campsite and kick off about a windscreen!

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About 10 years ago me and my mate bmx Steve were putting in a few laps at the local bmx track and some pikeys were firing stones at us and some younger kids with a catapult they shot this nipper (9-10 yrs old) in the face me and steve went after them chased the back to their caravan where one pulled a 22 air rifle on us my mate steve got it off him and smacked him with it they ran off again. The next day the coppers moved em on after they had wrecked the bmx track and burned down the skate park!!!

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Up here we have one set of them witch are great! Never caused us problems never leave a mess and are sound. They had to wee lads and we were out messing about on the quads and bikes at the island( not an actuly island but its called that. Just abig off road place thats fun) with them in the carpark near it. They came out and asked if they could have a shot so went and asked their parents if they were aloud. And they gave us a gallon of petril(sp) for our trobles. They used to have family up here so there good crack.

Another lot are shite though. Tried to steal our bikes and things from the house. Chased them and got them back. When they fecked off to somewhere and left the carvans for the day. Pretty much burried them but didnt. So couldnt get near them due to a shit load of stone and soil.

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The worst thing about them is the cocky 10 year old ones that go round skateparks just looking for someone to give them shit back, then promptly run off to get all their family armed with bats etc. I remember someone at Watford Skatepark got a decent sized chunk bitten out of that muscle between his neck and shoulder.

Interesting fact: A mate of mine with pikey family told me that if you finish you're pint and put it upturned on the table around pikeys, that basically means you'd like to fight each and every person round the table, one after the other. Who's gonna be our guinea pig? :lol:

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theres a pikey (i saw pikey they have a house now lol) family near us who do drives, cheap as f**k, shit as f**k! 'should be the motto really! they change company names every so often but you always know its them. they did ours! when it came time to pay the dude had to ask my dad to read some stuff cos he couldnt read or write.

the same family also appeared on rogue traders! haha!

drives fairly wank and uneven but its still a brick driveway and its been there 10 years id say!

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Another pikey encounter I just remembered was when we used to build a skatepark in this big abandoned factory. We were pretty young, about 14 or so, so we bricked it when we started seeing this group of pikeys pulling up every day with a van, unlocking their own lock which they'd put on the gate (novices like us threw our bikes over the fence) and coming in. One day they walked right past us, just nodded and said 'g'day' or whatever and went on as normal, so we eventually talked to them and it turned out they were just there for the copper wiring. They seemed pretty happy just letting us get on with doing what we were doing as long as we gave them the same leniency. The one good experience I've ever had with pikeys.

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