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Anyone Have Access To A Cnc Milling Machine?


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I don't really think anyone would be up for doing it with that design... there would be so much waste and re-clamping would be a nightmare (unless you changed the design a bit).

I would probably say getting the main plate machined then bolt on some 90 degree brackets is a better way to go?

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I don't really think anyone would be up for doing it with that design... there would be so much waste and re-clamping would be a nightmare (unless you changed the design a bit).

I would probably say getting the main plate machined then bolt on some 90 degree brackets is a better way to go?

This is what I thought. The main problem is I require a tight tolerance on everything and there's no way it could be made from two parts. I did wonder about having a similar part machined from some aluminium angle (probably wouldn't be wise to attempt the two extruded rings around the two holes in the main plate).

On second thoughts, if I were to reduce the length of the two 'tabs' to say one bolt hole then that would reduce waste considerably...

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Assuming those dims are in mm, the piece is tiny and the waste material cost wouldnt be that huge, wasted machining time would probably be another matter though. Also a load of missing dims, centre positions on holes, return leg fillet size, material thickness, boss thickness and a couple of others; if its being run through cam then they can be taken off the file but if its being programmed manually you will need those. Additionally the wall thickness of those bosses is only 0.4mm, not leaving alot of material to actually machine.

I would rough it out by hand (hacksaw + file) from some aluminium angle, Im guessing 20x5thk would be sufficient (depending on how thick the bosses are) and then getting the pocket and the bosses machined. If the pocket and bosses could be designed out then it could be made with hand tools and save alot of hassle :)

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It's for a "Micromouse" autonomous robot... The reason the dimensions are weird is that I originally designed it to be made out of aluminium angle, which I am now going back to, but also because the motors and wheels are all in imperial measurements.

Should look something like this when it's done (the green chassis is a PCB).


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Yeah manufacturing out of angle would be better, but gotta think of how to clamp it and whether youd need two ops. I think for the thickness (guessed from the drawing) It probably wont be strong enough to machine in one go so would need routing one side, then turn 90 degrees and rout the next.

Is the design fixed? If not, have you considered routing the entire geometry in a flat sheet, and brake pressing to form the shape? You could rivet on gussets afterwards to provide the strength?

Just a thought.

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