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Marino Geo Advice


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I am planning to order a marino sometime this week. Just wanted advice on the geo. I have always ridden a 26 trials and have tried all the other bikes too for atleast few weeks of riding. Lets just say other wheel size is just not my thing. Lately wanted to get something steety, short WB low BB bike. I always prefer rolling anyway! There also isn't wide range of 26 bikes with magura mounts or just the fancy geo. Rockman switch and because just have awful geos. HEx on the other hand is what I was interested in. Although it is well out of my price range, so though I'll get a cheaper marino for now to experiment and might as well tweak geo a little! I was thinking of: 1040 WB, 385 CS, 25 BB, 120mm headtube.

  • Thinking to make order it with horizontal drop outs, but not sure if I get any problem with HS mount aligning if i ever want to change gear ratio! Was planning to go 18-15 and change it if it's too easy.
  • I also have no idea about head angle and seat angle, I am suspecting it should be around 72-74 for both?
  • Which material would be recommended: carbon steel or 4130 chromoly, what would be the "feel", flex, strenght and weight differences. I always rode ali frames so would not have a clue!
  • Is there anything else I need to know before I make an order.

Any advice would be appriciated!

I know Ali C is riding Hex and he is pretty active on the forums lately, hoping he could give me and advice how he would tweak his current bike!

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Different Pete Wright apparently, though the blatant self promotion at every opportunity is getting pretty tired now...

It definitely seems a bit different to Petes usual style so sorry to WIP bikes if that's the case. Agreed on the self promotion though, especially being as he gives no details of price or anything.

EDIT, to go back on topic. I just recently got my Marino at 1030, +20, 380, 74 and it's suiting me absolutely great. My style is all about linking rather traditional static moves into lines, but I'm adding more rolling & spinning bits and pieces as I go along - that geo is working great for that. If I ordered another one though, I'd take more off the chainstays, go to 375 or something, and go up to +25/30 on the BB.

Definitely go 4130 though (Y)

Edited by JDâ„¢
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S'all good - just don't want to upset the guys who pay for banners etc by plastering it all over the forum.

Best bet is to have a single thread somewhere and use it like a blog to stick up info, pictures and the like. Keep it frequently updated and people will become aware of the brand.

The admin folk are generally nice chaps with regards to small starting businesses, so until you've got a line of punters they shouldn't mind (though if you're unsure, simply PM Danny or TomTurd and they'll let you know the score) (Y)

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