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Juan Manuel

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I was wondering how do you or elite riders train in the gymnasium and how do they manage their times, etc. Is going first to the gym better or riding goes first? Both things are done in the same day?

Well, I supposed that this kind of discussion could be of some help for trial riders.

Juan Manuel

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I am a firm believer that technique is better than raw power, riding should always be more important than going to the gym, save it for a rainy day.

Technique is more important I guess but the best rider from Argentina, who has a lot of technique (not compared to the super-elite I guess) climbs side-hop 1,35m and another friend of mine 1,50m. So power is important too !

Do you go to the gym Ali?

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Instead of paying between £30-60 a month for poorly equipped gyms (the ones local to me reflect this) spent £60-70 on a decent bench and £50ish on a cheap dumbbell / barbell set.

You could also get everything secondhand if you wanted, your muscles won't know if what they're lifting is rusty / old.

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well i know wesley does indoor training and gym training in the winter.

in the summer he only rides his bike and focusing on technique not random riding some days he will go for balance an other day pure power riding and comp or precision riding so it's inportant to do difrent stuff and never do the same things

but you asked what training personaly i do push-ups,sit-ups,weight lifting and so on but strong wrists are verry inportant if you are a comp rider.

don't go to the gym but do it at home (it's cheaper (Y) )

hope this helps (sorry for my bad english)

Edited by robintrial
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Technique is more important I guess but the best rider from Argentina, who has a lot of technique (not compared to the super-elite I guess) climbs side-hop 1,35m and another friend of mine 1,50m. So power is important too !

Do you go to the gym Ali?

I did go to the gym for one winter a few years ago, not sure if it made any difference. I also had some weights at home, but I only used them when I injured my ankle to stay fit. I don't go to the gym these days.

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My little family consortium own 2 gyms - one is a personal training, boxing oriented affair and the other is for women over 40 (guess which one I get to run...)

Anyway, the obviously gives me a little possibility to use equipment pretty much whenever I like. Those who've met me will know I'm a scrawny little f**k and that's because of my running past. Right now I'm trying to add a little lean, natural bulk so I'm not really focussing on what's good for riding the trials bike. However, I used to train quite intensively for trials and isolated some decent moves that transfer onto the bike.

Trials, on a power level, is all about explosive power. Don't concentrate on how heavy you can lift, concentrate on how explosive you are. I like to use traditional bodyweight excercises with whatever twist I can to make them more explosive:

Press ups with a jump/clap/double/triple clap (once upon a time I could get to a standing position from lying on my front just using a pressup, can't anymore :( )

Squat jumps onto boxes (I still like to do this one, I can jump from a standing position to about my nipple height)

Squat jumps over boxes (same thing, but obviously over)

All of the above, but on one arm/leg

Bench press, but just the O bar. Press it up into the air. Be careful with this one, I've had a fair few near misses.

Pull ups. Over hand grip, but go real close with your grip and go right over the bar till you're pushing it down to your hips. Proper hard.

Dips, with a jump again.

Doing all those and others that I've forgotten definitely used to have an effect on my riding. I've lost all that conditioning as well as the small amount of skill I had back then so need to get back on it!

The most important thing is to just keep it interesting, especially if you've got a natural attitude like Ali who doesn't like the gym. Obviously some people will never like it, but if you keep it interesting and you see the benefits then you'll soon enjoy it.

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A few of my mates go to the gym regularly are pretty bulky and they have massive power.

Do they have massive power or massive strength though? They are pretty different really, in trials especially. (Sorry if that sounds a bit 'arsey', it's not meant to!)

Power = force x distance. Person 1 lifts a massive weight 1 metre. He is strong. Person 2 lifts that same weight the same distance in half the time. He is twice as powerful as the first guy. Person three lifts the same weight in the same time as person 2, but lifts it 2m. He is twice as powerful as person 2.

This is why I believe flexibility is key to 'powerful' trials riding. If you can exert your strength over a greater distance then you are doing more work, and this putting more energy into the move. Type 2a muscle fibres ('fast twitch') are important too - Google plyometrics - since that will allow you to increase the speed at which your muscles do that work.

Extra range of motion will also help you to move the bike further (sidehop tucking, hanging off the back for taps, etc).

It's also VERY hard to train specifically in a gym for the random movements you do in trials. I guess you can increase general conditioning in the gym, which may help recovery times and prevent injury in some cases, but the only way to 'improve' your muscles correctly for trials riding is to go out and do it.

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I did mean to mention in my little essay that that's exactly what my techniques earlier are working on. Explosive power rather than strength as such. Obviously you can then start strapping ankle weights on, or doing all the moves with dumbells held in your hands (or between your legs for the pull ups) to add extra strength to your power as time goes on.

I like the range of movement point too, I'd never applied it to trials before, interesting thought.

Edited by JDâ„¢
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there's an easy way rather than gym's. just ride a heavy bike for a few weeks and then feel the differnce when your back on trials. If you have a silly trials bike like me it has heavy parts already lol (24/7 dark angel cranks anyone?) lol

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Do they have massive power or massive strength though? They are pretty different really, in trials especially. (Sorry if that sounds a bit 'arsey', it's not meant to!)

Power = force x distance. Person 1 lifts a massive weight 1 metre. He is strong. Person 2 lifts that same weight the same distance in half the time. He is twice as powerful as the first guy. Person three lifts the same weight in the same time as person 2, but lifts it 2m. He is twice as powerful as person 2.

This is why I believe flexibility is key to 'powerful' trials riding. If you can exert your strength over a greater distance then you are doing more work, and this putting more energy into the move. Type 2a muscle fibres ('fast twitch') are important too - Google plyometrics - since that will allow you to increase the speed at which your muscles do that work.

Extra range of motion will also help you to move the bike further (sidehop tucking, hanging off the back for taps, etc).

It's also VERY hard to train specifically in a gym for the random movements you do in trials. I guess you can increase general conditioning in the gym, which may help recovery times and prevent injury in some cases, but the only way to 'improve' your muscles correctly for trials riding is to go out and do it.

Short answer is yes.

One of them does the fastest sidehops in the west, really, sometimes to my old eyes, it seems as if he has got there before he has taken off, it's really fast, explosive power...............

Edited by Matt Vandart
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Helpful advice, will try swimming also! I attend a good gym with lots of equipment and swimming pools, doing max. strength atm before training power. I'm going to the gym every day except for weekends and riding every day with no exception :P The problem is that my riding varies so much depending on how tired am I feeling and is sometimes dangerous, I mean I'm also tired for bailing out! I'm training soft movements on the bike to avoid becoming clumsy... I noticed that after going to the gym and resting a while the bike feels lighter, besides many of the riders in my city are extremely fit and climb with ease high obstacles with a not so perfect technique! I'm still 16 and have plenty of time to have fun riding (although school is time demanding :P) so I'm progressing really fast and starting to reach my physical limit in some moves..

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one guy suggested riding a heavy bike - this will not make you sidehop higher but you will have a better endurance when you go back on a lighter bike

http://lift2jump.blogspot.com/ theres some info on how to train in the gym for biketrials, I wrote it a few years ago I think

anyway Ive been training in the gym for 3 winters now and have improved my sidehops and gaps a lot

I have also helped some friends who have gained inches on their sidehops without even riding in the winter

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