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Singlespeed With Middleburns?


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newly got back into trials im clueless about this single speed era i've read on here somewhere you cant do it with middleburns but have seen a few people on here with exactly that whats the deal is that guy an idiot or do they have a deathwish? what teeth cassette should i be looking for otherwise?

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you need one of these.

they go on your hub

people were probably talking about not been able to use freewheels on the cranks.

thanks bud! what about a chain tensioner?

isn't 18t better with 22 up front than 16? and will a tensile 60 click freewheel be ok on the rear?

Edited by LROB87
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If you've got a fixed rear hub the tensile will work, if you've got a freehub then you need a set of spacers and a single sprocket. As for a chain tensioner you'll get away with a single wheeled one due to having to run a larger rear sprocket than 15t like this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/sprung_tensioners/4jeri_tensioner/c48p10179.html

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