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Do I Need Two Tubes To Water Bleed With A Syringe?

liam n

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so I just bought a syringe and Tube from tarty...

in that vid he uses two tubes one on the slave cylinder and one on the master ....is he only doing this so he doesn't waste / spill the fluid?

In other words do I need to buy another tube from tarty to WATER syringe bleed correctly?

thanks in advance

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I use 2 tubes, and the waste one from the lever goes into a small bucket held on the bars - nice and neat. Mainly because I always do my bleeds indoors, and no mess is the only way to keep the missus sweet :)

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You can use two complete syringes too, the waste syringe just fills up with waste and you empty it out later.

I'd never thought of that... Theoretically it'd be a good way to do it too, so you could flush through both ways a few times? Or am I just making that up?

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thankyou everyone :)

Naah, it's to collect the excess fluid.

If you're flushing out oil it's good to keep the oil off your bike, but other than that, you don't really need one.

thanks dude and thanks for the bath bleed video it's very good...i used it once ...but im not very good that's why i've bought a syringe :P

I use 2 tubes, and the waste one from the lever goes into a small bucket held on the bars - nice and neat. Mainly because I always do my bleeds indoors, and no mess is the only way to keep the missus sweet :)

haha ... i've gotta keep my mum sweet...i'll soak up the water with my sock :P

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I'd never thought of that... Theoretically it'd be a good way to do it too, so you could flush through both ways a few times? Or am I just making that up?

You could flush it through but you'd likely flush through the air bubbles too. Unless they'd float to the top of the syringe?

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I'd never thought of that... Theoretically it'd be a good way to do it too, so you could flush through both ways a few times? Or am I just making that up?


As nick says, air bubbles might go in but if the syringe is held vertical they should float to the top.

It depends on your fluid too, if you're flushing out then it would mean putting the shit back in.

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Yea I kind of meant to get rid of any trapped air pockets, and then put through another syringe of fluid (water, obv) after to make it a nice clean bleed. Not like I'm going to try it, I've not had any problems with my technique so far, but it might be a thought for anyone looking in.

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Bath bleeds are easy! Give it another go, they are a good way to flush out the system quickly and water bleed. But yeah as everyone else has said ^^ you dont need a tube, just have someone hold a bucket or something underneath to catch any oil being flushed out.

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