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Hs33 Issue


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I recently fitted some Heatsink CNC backed pads and they have been great, they are couple to a ground rim and have been awesome. I Pinched flatted my rear yesterday so had to take the wheel off to sort the flat but apon putting it back the brakes are naff! so i did the usual undo both sides, undo the tpa, line pads up (1 side at a time) make sure they are straight onto the rim then pull the lever slightly then nip them up. Spinning the wheel back wards i get the nice 'Chirp' sound but forwards and it just mush.... so i took the pads out again and then used brake cleaner on the rim, the back of the pads are slightly dirty but I just cant understand why they were purfect before removing the wheel. I even rode up and down the road to bed them back in but they are still mush, no chirp sound apon braking just a mushy sound.

Should I lightly sand my pads? any other ideas...

Pics of me bike just because I can :)



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Yea sand your brake pads and put water on the rim and drag the brake for a few seconds then wipe the rim on both sides with clean cloth or kitchen roll the wet it again and leave it to dry.

If that dont work regrind your rim with the tire on as when taking the tire on and off it leave rubber/dirt on the rim and try to avoid taking your wheel off your bike to fix a puncture as if the wheel is not in the same place as before taking it off can make the pads un-sqaure with the rim and it they need to bed in again.

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I had this problem with my Heatsink yellows! Im guessing you had to take the tyre off to do your puncture. What I found when i put the tyre back on, is that it felt very waxy. Does yours feel the same?

Anyway, I resolved the problem by just putting a new grind on. Sorted it straight away! Im sure that if you run some light sand paper over the rim it might removed the wax.

Hope this helps. (Y)

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