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Rockman Maladied :(

dirt jumper jake

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So yeah, test riding the maladie today for the first time properly with the rear disc. the mount and disc worked perfectly after a bit of tweeking, backwheeled a wall just under bar hieght and heard a creaking noise. Picture explains it all...


Would it be worth having it welded AGAIN bearing in mind that its allready had the driveside chainstay cracked and rewelded. as i think it would just move the stress to another joint and snap it? opinions/ideas? cheers.

Edited by dirt jumper jake
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Wouldnt be any harm in welding it again, maybe look at putting an extra gusset in? Poosibly connecting the chainstays to the bottom bracket, ie-

grind the welds flush around the crack (including the weld connecting the chainstays to the bb and the to the gusset on the stays),

hacksaw down the crack to open it,

weld it up,

grind it off to about 1-2mm in height (not flush),

put a 6mm plate (probably 70-80mm long) on the chainstay that meets up with the bb,

weld around the bb and the 2 opposite sides on the chainstay leaving the furthest end open.

This will probably sort it for a while, but how long, only the man upstairs could tell you :).



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