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My First Trials Bike


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There are plenty of riders in lowestoft that i am sure would go over the bike and double check the shop isnt retarded (which is likely+they just want you to spend money there).

With a bit of tlc, and guidance, you can get round all these problems.

the guy that looked at my bike is a trials rider andi have a mate that rides with him sometimes too and he said there was nothing i could do and didnt make me pay anything for the bike and he showed me that the new bb and the old bb wouldnt be able to go back in there any more and he showed me and he could just twist the old bb in by hand but it wouldnt stay in.

Id say get someone else to check it before saying its a complete loss. Ive had problems with bike shops when i first started trials, especially with maguras, and they can usually be bodged or fixed no problem. Or if not, someone on here must have an old onza frame theyll get rid of for little money!

well ive already taken it to the seller and theyve agreed to refund the money when they get it and there wasnt much on the bike that was salvagable and so i thought rather than having to pay for a new frame and lose out on even more money that i shouldnt have had to pay i would just get a refund.

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One batch of the T-Pro frames have an oversized BB shell (but only very slightly - not enough to notice). If you try and fit a 'normal' sized BB in then it strips the threads.

Sounds to me like your LBS doesn't know about this and has made a bit of a mess of it...

Your best bet is to get them to check the thread sizes on the two BBs, then if the old one is larger put the old BB back in and re-fit your old cranks. There should be enough thread left in the frame to do this.

We're not open again until Tuesday now, but if you want some more help just give me a call. Good luck!

well the old bb he said he couldnt hardly get out and he said it was damaged from the installation of the old bb which the previous owner had put in when he looked at the bike and he said it had been put in at an angle to ruin the thread.

Something else to remember, most bike shops know nothing about trials bikes - I've had some terrible advice in the past.

thats why i went to the shop i did as the guy that fitted it rides trials and fits and repairs other people i know's trials bikes and theyve never had any problems.

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the guy that looked at my bike is a trials rider

Daryll per chance? Personally i would try and agree some money back on the bike to make up for the problems (seeing as they will struggle to sell it if its buggered), fit a threadless bb (i know you have nice new cranks but they can wait til you get a new frame) then away you go.

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Daryll per chance? Personally i would try and agree some money back on the bike to make up for the problems (seeing as they will struggle to sell it if its buggered), fit a threadless bb (i know you have nice new cranks but they can wait til you get a new frame) then away you go.

yep it was Daryll. well they said they would give me a full refund and take back the bike and try to sort it themselves and theyve actually asked to buy the parts i bought off me for the price i paid for them but i turned it down. i wouldnt have minded if it was just the front wheel as im not likely to need a new front wheel when i buy a new bike but as i got the monty 221 Ti isis cranks for £25 posted which are worth alot i didnt wanna get rid of em as i could make a profit from them from selling if i wanted to but i dont wanna be cheeky and do that and also as they are so good i wouldnt mind putting them on my next bike if i do get a 20".

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One batch of the T-Pro frames have an oversized BB shell (but only very slightly - not enough to notice). If you try and fit a 'normal' sized BB in then it strips the threads.

Sounds to me like your LBS doesn't know about this and has made a bit of a mess of it...

Your best bet is to get them to check the thread sizes on the two BBs, then if the old one is larger put the old BB back in and re-fit your old cranks. There should be enough thread left in the frame to do this.

We're not open again until Tuesday now, but if you want some more help just give me a call. Good luck!

i am not retarded thankyou.and i do know what i am looking at.the old bb had been put in right on the piss and in the wrong way. i removed the old bb retapped the frame just to clean it and the new and old bb screwed in a bit then you could just pull it out again all the threads were fuked as the previous owner tried fitting it and its clear he had no idea and used a chisel to tighten it.

so without any of you seeing the actual frame and know the whole story.shut up and stop thinking you all know everything and if you got anyfing to say mesg me

Something else to remember, most bike shops know nothing about trials bikes - I've had some terrible advice in the past.

yeh true but i do know what im doing

There are plenty of riders in lowestoft that i am sure would go over the bike and double check the shop isnt retarded (which is likely+they just want you to spend money there).

With a bit of tlc, and guidance, you can get round all these problems.

what makes you so good then?and im not a retard and do know the difference in two bb sizes.the old bb wouldnt even wind in just push in so the previous owner fiked it up not me thankyou.

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what makes you so good then?and im not a retard and do know the difference in two bb sizes.the old bb wouldnt even wind in just push in so the previous owner fiked it up not me thankyou.

Firstly, we asked these questions before we knew that it was a trials rider who had looked at it, nor did i say you were retarded? Many bikeshops dont have much experience with trials bikes and so they tend to dismiss them through ignorance. From what i have gathered, the difference in size is minimal, and so to somebody who was not aware of this problem on the t-pro, they would assume the threads are shot, this is completely understandable but a solution is possible. I know you have a background in welding and engineering (or at least this is what you have told me before) but it doesnt mean you can't miss things.

And seeing as you asked, i am good, i am fully capable of building a bike, i have run a cycle repair business in the past, worked for a large supplier of cycle components (Mealor Clarke), done teaching with kids for bike maintenance and have gone to the extreme of even making my own bike frame and my own components, with 2 new frame projects along the way this summer. I am fully capable of getting my hands round a bike, its not exactly rocket science.

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Firstly, we asked these questions before we knew that it was a trials rider who had looked at it, nor did i say you were retarded? Many bikeshops dont have much experience with trials bikes and so they tend to dismiss them through ignorance. From what i have gathered, the difference in size is minimal, and so to somebody who was not aware of this problem on the t-pro, they would assume the threads are shot, this is completely understandable but a solution is possible. I know you have a background in welding and engineering (or at least this is what you have told me before) but it doesnt mean you can't miss things.

And seeing as you asked, i am good, i am fully capable of building a bike, i have run a cycle repair business in the past, worked for a large supplier of cycle components (Mealor Clarke), done teaching with kids for bike maintenance and have gone to the extreme of even making my own bike frame and my own components, with 2 new frame projects along the way this summer. I am fully capable of getting my hands round a bike, its not exactly rocket science.

oow get you.the old bb wouldnt even go in correct without just spinning then pulling straite out anyway.

and personally i couldnt really give a rats arse what you have done.anyway in fuked off with this crap bikes do my fukin head in the best of times let alone trying to explain something i have done which wasnt my fault.

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oow get you.the old bb wouldnt even go in correct without just spinning then pulling straite out anyway.

So whats wrong with a threadless bb? Its been suggested before but you havent said why its not appropriate

I decided it would be funny to answer your rhetorical question 'what makes you so good then?' because i knew it would provoke the reaction you gave :)

Perhaps you should take a step back, realise that nobody accused you personally of being 'retarded' and get over it? We have been trying to help the guy, you have taken things way too personally.

Oh and in reply to your unecesary PM:

if you wana call me a fukin retard before knowing the facts il gladly meet you and you can tell me to my face.

Next time i am in Lowestoft i shall swing by and call you everything i didnt say but you claim i have :)

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your right there is nothing wrong with threadless bbs. i just thought the lad deserves his money back as the bb issue wasnt the only problem with the bike.

he would of needed a new rear brake body and re bleed as pistons were mega slow beyond belief.the frong brake cable was way to short had a spoke missing in rear wheel and it didnt have a front wheel when he got it so 100quid is alot for a which was wrecked by previous owner when he could get his money back and buy a legit good bike for the same amount without spending loads on this.

Edited by smithy83
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Sounds like the bike shop guy was an arsehole who didn't know what he was doing. Wouldn't surprise me if he'd caused the problem with the onza bottom bracket, if there was a problem at all. I seem to remember reading about the onza bb's being a bit hard to get out sometimes, maybe he forced it and yoinked the threads out himself. The threads may well be fine, if it's stiff most people tend to jump straight to cross threads rathert than fully taking it out and looking at the condition of the threads inside.

From the pictures though that bike looked alright, minus a few tidy up things that needed doing to it. You always find weird stuff with second hand bikes though. The guy i bought mine from had put the disc adapter on upside down and corrected the fact it didn't fit properly by attaching another adapter, which meant the pads were only half on the rotor! All he had to do was flip the first one round :lol:

EDIT: Wow, that'll teach me to leave a page open for a few hours and reply without refreshing and miss all the good stuff! :lol:

I still stand by my first comment though with the exception of the bb being installed with a chisel. Although you say the bb was in the wrong way round? I'd be surprised if someone could install a bb with a chisel with opposing threads.

he would of needed a new rear brake body and re bleed as pistons were mega slow beyond belief.the frong brake cable was way to short had a spoke missing in rear wheel and it didnt have a front wheel when he got it so 100quid is alot for a which was wrecked by previous owner when he could get his money back and buy a legit good bike for the same amount without spending loads on this.

By brake body i take it you mean slave cylinders? If they aren't leaking then they'll be fine with a clean, rebleed and some finish line lube around the seals. A short cable, really? How easy is it to fit a new one for a couple of quid? Replacing a spoke is just the icing on the cake really. £100 will not buy much of a bike in fairness, let alone one supposedly "more legit".

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Sounds like the bike shop guy was an arsehole who didn't know what he was doing. Wouldn't surprise me if he'd caused the problem with the onza bottom bracket, if there was a problem at all. I seem to remember reading about the onza bb's being a bit hard to get out sometimes, maybe he forced it and yoinked the threads out himself. The threads may well be fine, if it's stiff most people tend to jump straight to cross threads rathert than fully taking it out and looking at the condition of the threads inside.

From the pictures though that bike looked alright, minus a few tidy up things that needed doing to it. You always find weird stuff with second hand bikes though. The guy i bought mine from had put the disc adapter on upside down and corrected the fact it didn't fit properly by attaching another adapter, which meant the pads were only half on the rotor! All he had to do was flip the first one round :lol:

EDIT: Wow, that'll teach me to leave a page open for a few hours and reply without refreshing and miss all the good stuff! :lol:

I still stand by my first comment though with the exception of the bb being installed with a chisel. Although you say the bb was in the wrong way round? I'd be surprised if someone could install a bb with a chisel with opposing threads.

By brake body i take it you mean slave cylinders? If they aren't leaking then they'll be fine with a clean, rebleed and some finish line lube around the seals. A short cable, really? How easy is it to fit a new one for a couple of quid? Replacing a spoke is just the icing on the cake really. £100 will not buy much of a bike in fairness, let alone one supposedly "more legit".

i am not an arse hose at all.and i relly didnt cause the bb problem you could clearly see the bb was in at an angle.the non drive side cup which was in the drive side pulled straight out and the fixed cup clearly had a gap round it.it was tight but didnt pull the threads out when i done it.this was not my fault at all i just got it out.oh and i do know what im doing thankyou very much and am very competant at my jobno the brake lever body was broken and was being held on with tape.

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mega slow beyond belief


Just let it drop. If the bike was f**ked, it was f**ked. Continually whining about it and shit isn't gonna sort it out, is it?

You looked over the bike, made a judgement and let the customer know the score. You gave your opinion on what the best plan of action was.

So did people replying to the thread. Simple as that.

See also:


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Arse hose :lol:

I'm not going to get into how good a mechanic you are, but I think it's clear you don't pay attention to what's in front of you.

i am very aware of whats in front of me.oh and i cant remember seeing you stood with me looking at bike.I KNOW WHAT IM DOING AND HAVE FITTED AND TAKEN OUT HUNDREDS OF BBS BEFORE THIS SO IM FULLY CAPABLE.

you may think im an arsehole but other than me who worked on the bike knows the situation so stop assuming you all know what you think i done when you werent there.none of this was my fault as ive said before.i just hate people talking about me and what ive done when you dont know the circumstances

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...double check...

...to check it...

...If you try and fit a 'normal' sized BB in then it strips the threads...

...get them to check...

...most bike shops...

Nobody called you a retard. There were no personal attacks. People gave advice based on the info they were given, mostly just saying to double check as most bike shops aren't so familiar with trials kit (a statement which is very much correct)

Seriously, just chill the f**k out!

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ok i will all im doing is defending what ive done.i honestly havent caused this issue at all.it just annoys me people saying i dont know what im doing when i do and i done everything correctlyi didnt even get as far as to fitting a new bb as the old one just pulled in and out so definatly didnt strip the threads putting a new one in.

Edited by smithy83
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i am very aware of whats in front of me.oh and i cant remember seeing you stood with me looking at bike.I KNOW WHAT IM DOING AND HAVE FITTED AND TAKEN OUT HUNDREDS OF BBS BEFORE THIS SO IM FULLY CAPABLE.

you may think im an arsehole but other than me who worked on the bike knows the situation so stop assuming you all know what you think i done when you werent there.

I know i wasn't there, that's why i said i wasn't going to go into how good a mechanic you are. Anything i've mentioned regarding your character and awareness is what i've gleamed from your replies in this thread.

ok i will all im doing is defending what ive done.i honestly havent caused this issue at all.it just annoys me people saying i dont know what im doing when i do and i done everything correctlyi didnt even get as far as to fitting a new bb as the old one just pulled in and out so definatly didnt strip the threads putting a new one in.

Well then why not come in and say "it was me that works in the shop, the cups were in the wrong sides and the bb just slid in and out." I think everyone would have just let it drop, instead though you came in all guns blazing mis-reading people and writing replies in the e-dialect of a common chav. Kinda ruins your credibility a little bit ;)

We were just trying to help and to be fair, we had contradicting diagnosis along the way...

well the old bb he said he couldnt hardly get out

he could just twist the old bb in by hand but it wouldnt stay in.

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yeh i totally agree i should of mentioned that i was the one that worked on the bike.i get abit fiery sometimes and abit short just cought me on a bad day anyone that knows me will say im sound and a good laugh and i am i just jumped im to quick and i apolagise to everyone if i was rude and aggressive(especially paul).

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yeh ive seen the bike and to be fair at first i thought it was a good deal then jake found out what was wrong with the bike and thats whenn all the bb trouble started

and also for Darryl ive talked to him many times and he is a sound guy obviously just a bad day for him and i'd trust him to do anything on my bike and he has fitted stuff for my bike and it all works fine

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Daryll (smithy83) was good and he showed me exactly what was wrong with the bike and he offered me good advice on the bike and what to do and it has helped me decide that the bike werent great which im glad i took the advice because more and more hidden troubles appeared as i looked and this was before he looked at the bike that the problems kept appearing.

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Personally if it's only the frame that’s a lost cause I would strip it of parts and try to find yourself a nice 'cheap' Mod frame on here, at least it wouldn’t have been a complete waste of money. Also, don’t worry about being too tall for a 20" bike either, I'm 6'4" and I ride a Mod fine, just got to build it up until you’re comfortable with how it feels.

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Personally if it's only the frame that’s a lost cause I would strip it of parts and try to find yourself a nice 'cheap' Mod frame on here, at least it wouldn’t have been a complete waste of money. Also, don’t worry about being too tall for a 20" bike either, I'm 6'4" and I ride a Mod fine, just got to build it up until you’re comfortable with how it feels.

ive already given the bike back and am waiting for the money. none of the parts were that good on the bike except the brake pads. ive never really ridden a small bike before because i know people that have done bmx and then got into trials and so they were used to the smaller size but ive always ridden mountain bikes as i do a paperround (yes i know its embarassing but finding a higher paid job part time isnt easy especially when i have work from college to do) and so im used to larger bikes. i ridden my mates 20" and i found it alright but it was a little awkward at first but i kinda got used to it. il take whatever comes along at a cheap price and that is fully working, half-decent and not a complete waste of money.

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