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Hs33/echo Sl: Lever Compatibility

Martin Reynolds

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I recently got an Echo sl back brake, everythings been going hunky dory so far. I notised where the tpa shaft goes through the lever, theres alot of damage. (looks like the flat edge which is ment to prevent the shaft from turning has been wearing away at the lever).

I was wondering is it as straight forward as drilling and tapping an hs33 lever (where the bolt goes through) and fitting it?

I did a test fit tonight and it looks like it will work :)

Also, does anyone know if/where you can buy the brass bushes that are fitted to the SL body? Me being fussy, but mine are worn and i'd like to change them :giggle:

Edited by Martin Reynolds
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Lever modified, fits a treat. been for a ride and its spot on. I think the tpa pin is longer, so i should have more adjustment.

Pictures on facebook because i couldnt be bothered to compress pictures, blah blah blah :lol:


Anyone know where i can get the brass/bronze bushes? :)

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