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Hook Ups & Side Hops


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Had a good night practising tonight, makes a big difference being bright after work now!! So at long last i figured out how to hook up after about 300 attemps at 8 pallets, this move must be the hardest move to suss out IMO, still not getting it perfect but i think i have finally sussed it, very sore ankles right enough with all the bails, anyone have any Tips that could just make it that bit easier or is it a case of trial and error??

after getting 42inch sidehop at the start of the night i started to feel i was getting the correct technique, then out popped a 45inch beaster, thanks for the help from guys pointed out tips on here its helping lots!!!! very helpful forum big (Y)

Edited by gary-mac
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I sort of found not using them helped more, as you conserve your momentum better so you can keep moving on up. If you brake, it just kills all that and can make things worse, especially on natural stuff. Not using your brakes on some rougher surfaces gives you more grip too, so if you're doing it on off camber/rancid stuff then not using brakes could actually improve things a lot.

As evidence of that, in Ali's brakeless vid there were a couple of hooks that he couldn't do with brakes. I know of a few people who've gone from riding brakeless back to conventional riding and have found that brakeless hooks worked better and felt nicer.

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il second marks post.

Theres a hook by me that all of us can do, but I and another lad do it smoothest because we dont touch the brakes unless necesary. We almost roll over most of it, and can usually roll it all. We only use the brakes if we are going too slow, and have to do it the slow, unsmooth way.

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I sort of found not using them helped more, as you conserve your momentum better so you can keep moving on up. If you brake, it just kills all that and can make things worse, especially on natural stuff. Not using your brakes on some rougher surfaces gives you more grip too, so if you're doing it on off camber/rancid stuff then not using brakes could actually improve things a lot.

As evidence of that, in Ali's brakeless vid there were a couple of hooks that he couldn't do with brakes. I know of a few people who've gone from riding brakeless back to conventional riding and have found that brakeless hooks worked better and felt nicer.

Hi mark how are you, yeah no brakes i find it great on natty bashing rocks etc or non verticle hooks. Its the sheer verticle steps thats i've only just found out how to attck and get body poition correct, so should i try and attack the verticle steps with out brakes? Such a difficuilt move to learn when the steps verticle with no lip on top i've found.

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yip very good and smooth riding from ali there!! that wall hook up was massive but not verticle, do you have any clips of ali doing a hook up on a streight up and down wall?? cheer mark, very good watch and i must of replayed that hook about 20 times now :giggle: .

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yeah, 4.05 and 4.20 are both vertical with the 4.20 hook being the biggest I have ever done(around eye level).

My mistake ali sorry, laptop is that slow i ended up watching the one at 3.48 or somewhere near about 20times as it kept freezen after that. went to parents and watched it all, yeah there massive and verticle, i remember you telling me in glasgow about trying them brakeless, Since i have near sussed using brakes i'll try learn brakeless hooks, one thing i have learned is SPEED and confidence is a big thing to commit to a hookup, i was going way to slow before and getting no where.

Edited by gary-mac
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Out of interest Gary how many hours a week practice do you get in??

1 maybe 2times awk if am lucky after work, would be every night if i didn't do motortrials as this comes first even before my other half lol. Am a retained firefight aswell so after work on a monday is drill night, tuesday is motorbike practise, wednesday cycletrials,thursday motorbike,friday some times cycletrials, sat morning motorbike then comps on sunday. so about 2/4 hours awk i would say. Wish i could just go for it and practise like a mofo but theres not enough hours in the day, since the clocks have gone forward i'll try do some more after am of the motorbike if i have any energy left.

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Gives me a lot of confidence that mate, I only get a couple of hours a week and after seeing your last vid I've started pushing myself into stuff that's been out of my comfort zone. Really opened my eyes to whats possible, even though you are a moto champ!!

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Gives me a lot of confidence that mate, I only get a couple of hours a week and after seeing your last vid I've started pushing myself into stuff that's been out of my comfort zone. Really opened my eyes to whats possible, even though you are a moto champ!!

excellent man go for it, well the way i have trained all my life due to having very little time to practise is to make it quality training. so you get guys going out doing 5hours messing and they call it a good day but have they learned anything?? probably not much, so i practise deadly serious for 2hours after work and really think about things, non stop so am wrecked. this way i learn or keep my standerd at a level thats good. If only i had money to have gone full time pro :ermm: to late now as am to old lol. pop a video up man so we can see your riding!!

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Will hopefully get a chance to do some filming in the next week or so so I'll blend a few of my old stuff with my current. Still not great but definately better and more confident!

nice, glad your pushing yourself more,and look forward to seeing the video!! you need to brake barriers to get better so working out of the comfort zone is a must. Since i started the push bike all i have done is try learn one thing at a time and its slowly coming all together. hope the weathers ok tomorrow as i hope to get a hour or two in after work if i get a chance. got out 3hours on tuesday as didn't go out on motorbike and pushed myself to get the hookup, still shit at it but i have learned the basics of it now to go for it, plus the sidehops come together now, don't know how i banged out 45inch is just happend with out thinking about it.

I'm trying to learn how to do hooks as well. I used to be able to do them quite badly.

What do you think is the ideal height to start off with? The thing Im practicing on is around 4ft high. Just bent my forks trying out the brakeless ones :( .

Well i started this wk with 8blue pallets at a height of 4.5ft. i find the smaller the step the harder it is to do. bent your forks woo that could off hurt by the sounds of it.

Edited by gary-mac
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I'm trying to learn how to do hooks as well. I used to be able to do them quite badly.

What do you think is the ideal height to start off with? The thing I’m practicing on is around 4ft high. Just bent my forks trying out the brakeless ones :( .

shut up dan ive seen you hook many of times you piss all over me !

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