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hi all.

just a quick hello really from a trials rider in kent. used to ride a few years ago, then broke my ankle hopping off a wall (rolled my ankle underneth me and broke it). since then not really got back into it properly, but would like to.

just want to know if there are many people on here who ride in the kent area? im down in the south east bit, dover/canterbury side of things.

my current ride is a 2002 saracen m.a.d 26" jobby. i know saracen don't get the best press in the world, and they are not really up there with the top makes, but this has served be very well. taken some heavy hits (some very heavy hits) and apart from the gears being a bit out of line (needs a service) it all works fine. managed to get a mission crank set and hs33's put on the bike when i bought it, and these have served me well.

also managed to buy a mavic front wheel with a hope hub off a friend of a friend for £10 as he wanted some "beer money". the wheel is lovely.

anyway, will try and take a picture later of the bike if anyone is interested, but just thought i would say hello.


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sorry mate, only just seen this reply, so a bit late now.

what sort of level are you guys at? im fairly novice at the mo, until i get back into it/grow some balls again

Hello mate, im from canterbury too and one of the people Frank rides with. I ride red route (Expert) in comps and frank rides blue route (Intermediate) We ride a as much as possible in as many different places as possible. Frank likes riding natural mainly where as im not fussed.

What do you mainly ride? and when are you free to ride normally?


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a few from Margate and ramsgate. We ride all over Kent. Your welcome to come along

I have not been riding for so long that i have lost it all :( bad times and plus just been try to get back into it with a onza t vee ( not the best of bikes) until i get more money to buy a better one. What days do you go out riding?

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