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Mr Rankin

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Hey there people,

as im sure many of you are aware the combination of two Bank Holiday weekends and a royal wedding have provided us workers with some much needed time off. I have grabbed the opportunity with both hands and taken of 3 week days between the bank holidays and now have 11 days off work WHOOPA!

I am planning on riding the following locations in that time;



Stoke (the roaches)


Gateshead 3sixty park

and anywhere on the way! seeing as these places are at either ends of the UK im not sure what order to do them in.....or perhaps any amazing places i could go en route.

Will be hoping to meet up with locals in each area or if anyone fancies coming along for the ride you are more than welcome (not in my car as its full already)

The dates i plan to go between are; Friday 22 April to Monday 2 of May

any comments or suggestions are welcome as this is the early stage of planning and nothing is set in stone


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Sweet chaps, like i said dont worry about doing the whole trip but just pop along when every you can.....when the time is closer i will try to determine actual days and dates of where we will be!

Wanna make this into a video too so bring some cameras!

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Sweet chaps, like i said dont worry about doing the whole trip but just pop along when every you can.....when the time is closer i will try to determine actual days and dates of where we will be!

Wanna make this into a video too so bring some cameras!

when my sholder is better im going to show you how to ride mr rankin ;)

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Could spend 2 days at portland and do the quarries one day and the bill another?

Dartmoor is also good but might be a bit far out of your way? Could do it between portland and bristol.

Its about 2 hours between portland and bone hill

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Right, have a slightly revised plan for the roadtrip seeing as most if not all of the riders interested are from way down south.

So here goes....

Portsmouth/Southsea = saturday 23rd April

Portland = Sunday and monday 24th/25th April

Dartmoor = Tuesday 26th April

Bristol = Wednesday 27th April

Will be hoping to crash over on peoples floors for a couple of the nights if anyone is willing to help, failing that plan its gonna be holiday Inns

This is a "More the merrier" Roadtrip so please get stuck in!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of a bump!

Tom im sitting out on pompey because of holidaying in the new forest so seems pointless me riding pompey when i do so often,

Im planing on doing both days at portland then dartmoor on tuesday then heading home,

Reckon we could sort out a romantic night in a travelodge for monday evening?

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