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Home Made Bashring


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hello, I'd like to make myself a bashring, so I would draw it on CATIA, then cut it with a plasma cutter, but I don't have all the dimensions I need.

I know the outer diameter is 88 mm, I know the width which is 3mm, but I don't know the inner diameter where you actually put the crank in.

Does anybody knows it? Please help. Thanks

Tartybikes gave me the answer!

35mm that is.

Cheers anyway

I have now finished designing it on CATIA. Here is a pic. I'll have it tomorrow if everything goes well.


Tell me what you think!

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Looks good though I think it would look better if the lightening holes followed the curvature of the ring rather than running straight.

Yes I thought of that. I am only doing it as a simple prototype though. I'd like to keep the geometry simple for the program first!

Also I'd like to keep the outer edges quite wide so they resist better to shocks. I I just use the shape of the outer edges, I'll have to change the geometry in the part. That means more lines in the Plasma cutter machine program, and more mistakes that can be done.

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Yeah would be great if you could!! How much do you want for one??

Just shipping honestly. I don't do it to earn some money man.

Cool beans. What material are you going for?

Steel deffinetly but I don't know which one yet...

Unless it's gonna be steel, that will deform pretty quickly... you need some sort of 'bracing' in the big hole.

Bracing? What do you mean?

This is another project I have in mind. I would cover it with carbon fiber to make it more resistant.

Alone, this rim is 382 grams. With carbon, it would be like 500 grams maximum!


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Nice one, PM me wen you've done it and I'll get some £$ sent across for you.

And what I believe Adam means is change the design a little so it's more like this


I apologise for the ropey paint drawing!!

I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do. I won't probably do these holes you know. SO it looks more like that:


I'll make a visual of yours now.

That'll be fun to plasma cut :P

Hopefully, I am not plasma cutting it. (How could I be?)

Ok Adam, thanks a lot.

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