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Steve-O Campaign Video


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Hi guys,

Thought I'd share this with you....

Filmed in under 2 hours for a campain at the university shot by a friend who wanted to try and relate it to the Danny Mac video, hope Danny doesn't mind us useing his tune. Comments welcome, cheers.


Edited by tomturd
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Yea, music ruined it, pace of your riding didn't suit it. The riding was amazing though, just the song and pedaling really fast let it down for me.

Edit - My comment sounds pretty negative, but I did actually really like the riding, especially the taps onto the gate and th fence with the curved things.

Edited by bikeperson45
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I should state I didn't edit it either and the guy made decisions on what normal people at loughborough might recognise. It's meant to be a journey from my house to the uni...I appreiciate and agree with your guys comments though.

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The atmoshphere kind of reminded me of this

I think the song would of fitted in well with his riding if there were more closer shots of him up on rails or other stuff and bigger riding on the upper tempo parts of the song but there are plenty of songs that have this not just the ones Danny Mac uses.

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That was awesome!

Skills galore!

I liked the pedalling off in a hurry stuff.

I think you would have got to uni quicker if you hadn't gone up all those stairs and back down again for no reason.

This sums up one of the main reasons why I have always wanted to do trials, so that I could ride from one place to another and just go over stuff that's in my way, especially after watching ET as a kid.

Sadly it has never come to pass :(

Edited by Matt Vandart
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