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Gap Help


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Looks like you need to go on more of an angle and use your arms more. Moving you feet so they pedal is closer to the toes (maybe 3/4 the way up your foot) can get you more bounce and therefor gap further .

6',9" is still pretty big, but I think that's what it looks like you need to do to get that bit bigger smile.gif

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Looking at that, you can see that the times you get closest are the times when you preload the most and fling yourself forwards before the bike most. I find that for gaps that length (used to on the old bike, can't on the barge) I really needed to go silly with exaggerating those parts of the move to get there. Preload right back over the back wheel (quickly, so you're pushing the tyre right into the edge), drop the front wheel, big kick in time with chucking yourself to the bars as you take off, then finish it off with a big extension of the arms to push the bike forwards.

It's definitely the move where I found it revolved most around getting your body there and letting the bike come with you, not the other way round.

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Im in the same position, I suck at gaps despite riding trials for the best part of 13 years :(

I think the biggest flat to flat Ive managed is about 7'6", that was with a massive preload bounce and was so out of control when I landed it was comical :D

I cant seem to put all of the pieces together at the same time (preload, hip movement, pedal stroke and extension) and it really bugs me. I can gap 5-6 foot without any effort at all but seem to hit a massive wall and cant go any further, I have found that really preloading the chain against the brake helps alot though.

When you learn, come teach me :D

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as said, more of an angle so your left side is more forwards (as you're right foot forward this generally helps)

and a lot more preload can be achieved too. control yourself to the edge, preload like a bitch, then explode forwards and up with a big extension to land.

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More tips, more tips!

So far -

Learn to do the angle gap thing everyone else does

Preload like I want to pull my joints out of their sockets

Violate my stem

Don't forget the push at the end, otherwise that violation of the stem is gonna be followed by a comical face plant (Y) You wanna be pushing forwards and up.

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From the video, it looks like you could get a better angle going, so you can throw more weight forward when you gap.

Flatter tyres, it doesn't look like you're getting much bounce out of your tyres, if you have them a bit flatter then your tyres will bounce off the edge rather than roll off the edge of your take off, it also benefits your landing too as it's much easier to land as more tyre is in contact with the pallet.

You don't seem to take a pause, much like a good sidehop I prefer to find my balance point on the edge of a gap then pre-load down with all of my effort and go for it, okay it's everyone's personal tastes, but if you watch videos of Damon you will see that he is the god of this technique.

Think about body weight transfer, this is the key to trials. My bike weighs 9kg, I weigh around 74kg. So out of the two it is body weight transfer that will bring to bike to wherever I want it to go. This isn't just with gapping, think about sidehopping and everyone else, it is just body weight transfer.

Best tip I was ever taught was to think about your hips, look at a video of Damon or anyone else who can really exert power on a bike and look at how much their throw their hips in any aspect of their riding.

Whilst all of this does sound very simple and easy to add to your riding, it still does take a lot of work and commitment, but if you think about it all before you gap, it WILL work.

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Ok, thanks for that!

It's a nuisance knowing this is the best I can manage at the moment, when other guys can gap much further with the same effort.

That tyre's a bit weird for pressure. I had a holy roller on last, and it was easy to tell where was right, but with this tyre it's got super stiff sidewalls and it's making it tough to find the place between solid and rimming out.

Edited by Revolver
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When you preload, try to push your body towards and past your stem, this is only achievable when you're at an angle though. Should really help you.

And don't forget about the landing. It's just as important as the take off. Kick the back wheel out so it lands before the rest of your body weight, then move your body forward to keep you from going over the back.

I know you're not really into TGS but watch Damon or Neil gapping. Their styles are perfect!

Edited by Ben John - Hynes
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When you preload, try to push your body towards and past your stem, this is only achievable when you're at an angle though. Should really help you.

And don't forget about the landing. It's just as important as the take off. Kick the back wheel out so it lands before the rest of your body weight, then move your body forward to keep you from going over the back.

I know you're not really into TGS but watch Damon or Neil gapping. Their styles are perfect!

I'd better get this angle thing going then!

I get the feeling I'd naturally turn to the right, have my front foot towards the gap, should I avoid that?

As for TGS... I'm a fan of lines, but I'm not really good enough to do the ones I see, you need some degree of TGS POWER to do lines.

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I'd better get this angle thing going then!

I get the feeling I'd naturally turn to the right, have my front foot towards the gap, should I avoid that?

Being as you're right foot forward you should ideally be pointing to the right. Say the landing is '12' on a clock, you want to be pointing at 1 or 2 depending on how comfortable you feel.

I used to gap facing the wrong way and could only ever get 6', I learnt the right way and can go 8' at a push so it's worth doing.

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Cheers, I figured as much so I've tried that way so far.

When I do it right I'm facing 1 or half 12 even, but if I point too sideways I find when I set off I turn mid gap and end up closer to 3 oclock. :S

Haha, it's already an improvement, I can touch the pallet when I get it right, and that's without max power or the hip thrust!

I'd better stick to it and get them all in at the same time.

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As BJH said, the angle is vital.

Try and use the pinch on the tyre too. I was crap at this but once you get it its so much better.

Make sure the tyre can grip over the edge of the object your taking off from. When you release the pre-load the bike will want to shoot away from you in a spectacular fashion, but you really have to fight it with those arms ;)

Practice ;)

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I might be completely missing the point here, but why not get good at hitting 6'6" first, then move up an inch at a time (which is similar advice I give to she)?


It don´t think your gapping technique is that bad, there could always be improvements, but thats not why you are failing. You just need to get more comfortable at them by doing them a lot and slowly moving up.

I also think the sidewards stuff is complete bullshit, thats something english riders tend to do a lot, but isn´t necessary at all.

Just do what your comfortable with. Marco grosenik has about the perfect forward gapping technique:



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Your biggest problem i think is you are leaning too far back when you are on the backwheel thats why you cant get a good distance because your bodys got nowhere to move to. Try standing in a more upright position bring the bars in towards your chest more, then as you go to gap preload = crouch and straighten them arms see how you get on doing that..

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in the video it looks like you are concentrating to much where your back wheel is on take off you need to focus on where you are going more :D

It's actually the other way around. I stare at my landing point thinking GET TO THAT f**kING PLACE and ignore my wheel placement. I know this is wrong because when you watch super-ultra-pros they look at their wheel, and to be honest I should look at my wheel too because I don't 100% pinch gap.

YES! I'll try to get better at nearer gaps. Else I'll end up learning how to gap and not how to land! Can't be having that.

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Naaah, I can't be good. I know plenty of people that shit on me for gaps.

All of the guys who I normally ride with, in fact!

Haha, but yeah. It turns out I've been riding for like 3 years. I progress slowly because I don't like to get out of my comfort zone, but I'm trying to push myself out of it a bit more now.

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Well im 5,4 and can gap 2m ish or just over.

So technique is impotant to me i hop on spot and lower front end still hopping so that i crouch really low so my thighs are almost horizontal practice this ,alot of people dont really pre-load to well.

Its like jumping static on your feet bend right down bum almost at ground lean forward spring up and out and use your toes not flats of your feet, make sure you use you ball/toes on your pedals this makes a big difference ,

should try this on your feet, jump flat footed toes pointing up so you cant use them and just use thighs only bend down and jump up

then be on your TOES and bend down and jump using calfs, achellies and thighs see the difference

Marc Caisso all technique and about my size http://http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ojtc_marc-caisso_sport

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