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Anyone Know Anything About The Law On Threats?

Milford Cubicle

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Right the deal is somone wants to, in there words 'put me in a wheelchair for life' for kissing an ex of theres. Personally i feel this is a overreaction but there pretty set on it. I don't want to have a fight with him because i don't paticually want to get hit and we uesd to be friends and apart from the this theres no reason i want to hit him so i would like to avoid it. The other day he was outside my house for like 25 mins trying to get me to come outside for a fight. My question is can the police actually do anything about this? I have a text of him saying the quote in the first sentance and ones of him saying he was outside my house and i havn't replied to any of these because i was hoping he would chill out and it would go away, but would ringing the police about this actually get a situation avoided or would it just waste my time?

Cheers in advance


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I had this when i was about 16/17 from a guy who was older than me (and quite scary). He knew where i lived and would threaten me to a very similar extent.

After a few months of being careful and being a bit fearful i finally had enough and went straight to him and offered him the chance and said if he wasn't going to take it then f**k off and leave me alone. I think he could see i cared no longer and was just bored with the situation. He didn't know what to do so after some silence i told him to leave me alone as i wasn't interested in him...

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I had this when i was about 16/17 from a guy who was older than me (and quite scary). He knew where i lived and would threaten me to a very similar extent.

After a few months of being careful and being a bit fearful i finally had enough and went straight to him and offered him the chance and said if he wasn't going to take it then f**k off and leave me alone. I think he could see i cared no longer and was just bored with the situation. He didn't know what to do so after some silence i told him to leave me alone as i wasn't interested in him...

He would definetly take the opportunity, the boys got anger issues, the only thing that would help me with would be that i could be ready for a fight and he wouldn't be giving me an upper hand...

Then I would say you probably could call the police?

Any chance you could just f**k him up?

I'm not sure, i don't think so he's got a lot more fighting experience both training and sparring TQD and fighting with people who he gets vexed or what not which would give him a large advantage so would be to bigger a risk to take considering i wouldn't really gain much from making his face look like road kill except shutting him up for a bit...

Edit - by a lot more i mean i have none and he has a reasnoable amount so although i know how to punch and kick i don't know how to react in a fight all to well.

Edited by Milford Cubicle
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I get so tired of these pathetic blokes that can't deal with the fact that they don't own their girlfriend, and therefore have no 'claim' to them when they end the relationship.

See, this guy needs to have his face stoved in for thinking he had the right to even threaten you. What a complete f'ck tard.

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If he texts you, just ignore it. They're just words and nothing will come of it.

If he turns up at the house again, call the police straight away. He can get charged with harassment (I think).

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Right i deal with this everyday at work.

Call your local police find their number on the internet. Explain the situation and request to see an officer about it. If they are anything like Lancs police they will book you a scheduled appointment to take a statement of complaint with a bobby. then let the police do the rest. they will go away and speak to the other party and words of advice given.

Generally what will happen is they will be warned off first. If they continue what they are doing they will be issued with a harrasement warning. If they still carry on they will be nicked and charged with public order charge and bail conditions placed on them not to contact you by themself or via a third party and to generally stay away. Technically he can be charged with harrasment if he has contacted you more than once as there is then a course of conduct, but this wont happen. But you've got to remember it takes a long time for things to happen, statements have to be taken packages put together, he has to be found, and if he doesnt want to be found that can make things drag on even longer. It can take a really long time to get to the stage where he is formally charged, but generally a warning is issued to them fairly quickly.

So you can contact the police and they will do something about, but dont expect the other person to just listen to them. If he's a dick which by the sound of it he is then he probably wont listen anyway and he will eventually get himself into trouble.

So the choice is yours really

If youre going to contact the police best bit of advice is to keep any texy messages sent or messages on face or anything like that you can show to the bobby that comes round. But best of all dont play his games otherwise it will be seen as a tit for tat argument and very little will get done you will both be treated the same and you yourself could end up in trouble.

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Does that involve breaking his compass or like giving him a dodgy bearing to follow or what?


The police only need 1 text message containing threats to file an injunction against a person. Consequences of which, if they continue to contact you they can be summoned to court and prosecuted.

Ring the police, make an offical complaint, get a case number, make a statement, he'll be issued with paperwork, if he breaches the terms he can be prosecuted, simple.

Right i deal with this everyday at work.

Call your local police find their number on the internet. Explain the situation and request to see an officer about it. If they are anything like Lancs police they will book you a scheduled appointment to take a statement of complaint with a bobby. then let the police do the rest. they will go away and speak to the other party and words of advice given.

Generally what will happen is they will be warned off first. If they continue what they are doing they will be issued with a harrasement warning. If they still carry on they will be nicked and charged with public order charge and bail conditions placed on them not to contact you by themself or via a third party and to generally stay away. Technically he can be charged with harrasment if he has contacted you more than once as there is then a course of conduct, but this wont happen. But you've got to remember it takes a long time for things to happen, statements have to be taken packages put together, he has to be found, and if he doesnt want to be found that can make things drag on even longer. It can take a really long time to get to the stage where he is formally charged, but generally a warning is issued to them fairly quickly.

So you can contact the police and they will do something about, but dont expect the other person to just listen to them. If he's a dick which by the sound of it he is then he probably wont listen anyway and he will eventually get himself into trouble.

So the choice is yours really

If youre going to contact the police best bit of advice is to keep any texy messages sent or messages on face or anything like that you can show to the bobby that comes round. But best of all dont play his games otherwise it will be seen as a tit for tat argument and very little will get done you will both be treated the same and you yourself could end up in trouble.

Cheers for those, i've kept his texts and never replied except for asking why he wanted me to go outside my house to make sure he was out there for a fight, think il give them a ring today :)


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