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Stone Masons In Oxford


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Hello gents,

Just had a call from the guy who owns the stone yard in Oxford that people ride, he saw a vehicle there with our logos on (CCTV) and wanted to quiz us about it.

He's not too impressed about people 'breaking in' (as he put it) to ride the stones and is gonna get the police involved if he sees anyone else there...

Just thought I'd give a heads up!


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It was me who took the call - the guy thought it was something to do with us as the van had our logos on, so was trying to track the driver down. I'm not sure whether he meant he was going to do it this time, or if he was waiting 'til next time, but he said that he was going to get the police involved. Seemed to mainly be the number of riders there that he had an issue with, as he said that he knew there'd been groups of 2-3 there before, but this time there was about 15 or so according to him.

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Damn, I was riding there yesterday so it was my van :(

My heart sank when I see this, I feel real bad, sorry guys. Abit late now but maybe it's time the banners come off and I go back to having a plain van again :

Please don't hate me for to long

Sorry to mark who had to deal with the phone call, you're more then welcome to give the bloke my number.

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Sorry to mark who had to deal with the phone call, you're more then welcome to give the bloke my number.

I don't have the guy's number, but even if I did I still wouldn't shop you in :P Whether you use the banners or not isn't an issue from our point of view - we just put this thread up to warn people that they might need to be careful next time they go down (Y)

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He should just start charging for entry at weekends. Obviously get people to sign an indemnity policy so you agree not to sue when you die but he could actually make it a little bit of a money spinner on the side if he actually started deliberately placing stones and creating sections at the weekend...

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He should just start charging for entry at weekends. Obviously get people to sign an indemnity policy so you agree not to sue when you die but he could actually make it a little bit of a money spinner on the side if he actually started deliberately placing stones and creating sections at the weekend...

I would have said he is making a fair whack anyway, but it could be a good bit of free advertising if he hooked up with the media and amde a big thing out of 'company helping the community' type thing.

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I would have said he is making a fair whack anyway, but it could be a good bit of free advertising if he hooked up with the media and amde a big thing out of 'company helping the community' type thing.

Exactly. Put a spin on it, get some Tartybikes banners up etc. and he'll be laughing. Could even hold mini comps there!

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I'd imagine there's more money to be made in his traditional livelihood rather than trying to run comps while people break your source material :P

At least he's not blaming health and safety for a change.

He sort of did in that he said that if anyone hurt themselves seriously he could be potentially liable.

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Cheers for the heads up Ad and Mark.

I ride this place loads. Sometimes on my own. It so bloody good.

Seen and chatted to so many employees there and never had a bad word.

Well least it is at the first stage of being involved with the police which means a verbal warning due to no signs saying you cant enter.

Been riding this place for near 4 and half years no probs. Shame. Will have to just go on the quiet and risk it for a chocolate biscuit.

Hmm google map sesh to find another stone maisons.......

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So I was feeling pretty bad and showed a few people this thread and they pointed out to me that in my favour, I kind of helped you out. As the bloke at the stone masons said "it was not that we were riding the stones but the amount of people riding the stones" So if it wasn't for my van having Tartybikes on it, then the stone mason bloke would not of got his message across via Tartybikes and you may never of been warned and could of ended up in court for trespassing,

Poor I know

But it did make me feel a little better for a while

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warning due to no signs saying you cant Enter

Surely the fact that it is obviously private property with a gate and a fence kind of suggests that you should not enter? I know that I would be damn annoyed if people were coming onto my property like that!


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The gate is not always shut as they store the city guide buses there, so when riding at the weekend you can just ride in. I mean even with the gate open it is still private property, unless we have been given permission by the owner to enter. But as Jack says, we've all ridden there loads before and chatted to the staff there and not one has told us to move on or warned us that we shouldn't be there. So we've never seen it to be a problem. But as the owner has contacted Tartybikes, and said that he will contact the police next time, it's a pretty clear sign he doesn't want us riding there, which is fair enough. We should just respect the guys wishes and find somewhere else, the last thing we want is someone getting arrested for trespassing.

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