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Please Design Me A Logo


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Right go home everybody , professional coming through!

This is my master piece been working on it for the past 5minutes.

The price i would like for my work is 100 Great British Pounds in 5 Pound notes please, Contact me via email @ Ihavealreadywonthis@iwon.co.uk


Edited by Rob.
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Was gonna jump on the bandwagon, but number one, I'm bored so gave it a go... Number two, well... There isnt one...

Best of luck!

Still got the .psd file if you want to make any changes... It's also rather crap, but if you're interested i'll put some time into developing it, rather than five minutes like for this one... All I'd require would be a mars bar in the post.

edit: For Jolfa, pay up and you can get it, that'll be two mars bars please! :)

Hope y'all notice the little play on the smiling 'droid!


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OK your winning so far.

Have you even tried doing anything yourself? Do some sketches, put some ideas down. People may (unlikely now) have actually helped digitize it if that's where you were coming unstuck but just asking for people to come up with everything while you sit back apparently doing f**k all is just not on.

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