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Site News: New Members Scrappage

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You realise being a senior isn't just about being on the forum for a long time, right?

No it should also be about being helpful and having a laugh as well, all of the names I gave are examples of that IMO.

And you also realise that there has to be decent new members who have signed up and then only posted a few times and have remained unnoticed, then there will be other people that have signed up and not bothered posting at all because they see that generally the promotion from pre members to members is slow...

Yes having the new members like it is at the moment keeps the forum 'tidy' but it also means there are hardly any new people posting on the forum. There are currently 16,000 pre members, hardly any of them are active and I would say that since new members chat started hardly anyone has been promoted to members (In comparison to the 16,000 that have joined).

Tom, out of interest do you actually know how many people have been moved from pre members to full members?

A change needs to happen, the forum has become stale and boring with the same old groups of mates posting. From an outsiders point of view this forum must be similar to those strange village pubs that are full of locals!

Most of them are either dead accounts or tp to scratch for validation though. I used to vote people up to validate them loads of times when that system was in place, or report them when I used to ride and actually looked in NMC for trials stuff to talk about.

Seriously? It took me about 5 years to post 1000 times!

Edit: Ooh, this was my 4,999th post... what drivel shall I post for my 5,000th?

You cut off the important bit, "like the OCUK forum", thems their rules, just making an example. :P

I've done 15,005 posts in just over 4 years, mind you when I was at college I spent most of my days refreshing the latest posts list.

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Most of them are either dead accounts or tp to scratch for validation though. I used to vote people up to validate them loads of times when that system was in place, or report them when I used to ride and actually looked in NMC for trials stuff to talk about.
Why are they dead accounts?

How are new members meant to get voted for validation when most full members avoid NMC like the plague?

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I always give nmc a scan as I know how frustrating it can be for some, and like it's been said before a lot of people sign up to get into trials but never bother as all there questions and knowledge either gets mocked our ignored. Everyone deserves a chance as a full member and I reckon the new system will aid this, and if some aren't suitable theres an easy way to deal with them.

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My post from SM chat, I've been thinking about this a fair bit, here it is:

The reality is people get scammed by long term members too.

I plan on putting a big f**k off banner above any posts made by new members in FS pointing out that this is a new member and should be treated with maximum caution (even more than when dealing with full members) when making a trade. This puts the onus (right word?) on both the seller (doing their best to prove their good intentions) and the buyer. Blocking new members from FS isn't an actual or fair solution in my opinion.

A good example is the post you were talking about isitafox, its the guys first post, he's put pics up and even put his phone number on there. I think I'd trust him more than most members with 50 posts, so why restrict him? Fair enough, he may have only come to sell something, but there's a chance he'll make the odd reply here and there and become a full time member.

Common sense is required when dealing with new members, something that no amount of rules or restrictions is going to give people.

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Sounds fair enough to me, suppose it would be helpful to some people if they used to be in trials and want to get rid of their stuff. Having to sign up and show some interest in a sport theyve given up on just to get rid of the built they no longer want would be a pain in the arse, especially when them being able to sell straight off and a new member being able to buy straight off is killing 2 birds!

Good idea bout the banner though so people who do go for something can't make a complaint about new members at a later date as the risk is all their own choice.

Just thought I'd better double check he hadn't slipped through the net though!

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Dunno about the rest of you, but I think it's working really well with NM's in with us - I've not noticed a huge influx of idiots taking over any particular areas of the site.

At first I was very sceptical about letting them roam amongst full members but it doesn't actually seem to be that bad at all.

Good choice Tom, I'm happy to admit I was wrong!

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I've installed an addon that checks all new registrations against the stopforumspam.com database.


Seems spammers are reported very regularly, so we'll see how it goes... :)

(There are looooooads of reports of increased spam activity since Feb 2011 for lots of other forums, so we're not the only ones)

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It seems the text for someone in the 'new member' group outlining what can go in a sig is different to that of a member.

To be fair, mine says I can have 1 pic too. I thought it was pretty odd when I noticed the other day.

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I lie, it's on 0 now. Around 80% sure it was on 1 the other day when I removed my sig though. Maybe I'm getting confused by the URL allowance though. I've spent too long staring at numbers today and I can't remember :(

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Welcome back Max (Y)

I thought there'd be an influx of crap posts and spam, but I happy to say there hasn't been anywhere near as much as I expected. If anything it's actually nice not to see a million posts about validation every day. If people used the search a bit more then there'd be less duplication, but then again the forum would be dead of new material because the vast majority of trials questions have been asked and answered already here.

Overall it's been a big success I'd say.

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