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Hi I am looking at buying an Onza Pro but am concerned as it is 11kg whereas some of the other bikes on tarty are less around 9kg some!!

Does this extra 2kg really make a lot of difference whilst riding or am I better off getting a lighter bike??

At the moment I can bunny hop and can kind of backwheel hop but feel I need a proper trials bike to get further.

Is this a good bike for me in general ??

Thanks Adam

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Personally yes, i've rode friend's bikes that way 11ish kg and struggle to concentrate on the move ahead (even though its not going to be anything near impressive >_< ) simply due to the fact that half of my concentration is going on what im wanting to do, and the other half of me concentrating on putting more effort into holding the bike in a track stand. This is most probabally because i was lucky enough to snap up an 8.something kg Limey 20" on the forum, but saying that i think if i'd of had a heavyier bike then i wouldnt have progressed to where i am now.


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Hi I am looking at buying an Onza Pro but am concerned as it is 11kg whereas some of the other bikes on tarty are less around 9kg some!!

Does this extra 2kg really make a lot of difference whilst riding or am I better off getting a lighter bike??

At the moment I can bunny hop and can kind of backwheel hop but feel I need a proper trials bike to get further.

Is this a good bike for me in general ??

Thanks Adam

By the sound of it your at exactly the same stage a friend of mine is and together we decided that the 2010 Onza Pro was defiantly the best choice for him as from my experience dual disk is a good way to go as the stock brakes can be upgraded for something like Hopes when you improve. The Onza bikes, I started on a rip, are also rather easy to progress your riding on.

As for the weight issue, (I mentioned before that I previously rode an Onza Rip, pre 2010 model, which had some very heavy parts, bars and forks for example) I found that learning on this and gradually buying high spec parts to bring the weight down was an amazing way to learn because from learning on a heavy bike I have found things on my current build (something around 8kg) a lot easier as it requires a lot less effort to move the bike around.

Personally I don’t think that starting off on a heavy 'ish' bike is too bad as you can always swap out parts as you improve when weight really is an issue.

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i started off with an onza pro 2009 at 11kg or w/e and i have progressed so much i boutght a new bike...the new bike ,onza comp high spec weighs 9.6 kg ....1.4 kg is not actually that much so for beginners onza pro is the way forward and you progress quickly...i dont know if what i just wrote makes sence but yeah buy the pro good bike...top notch upgrade as u progress

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Thanks guys this has really helped and I have ordered my pro now and it should be delivered in three days and then I've got it for the school holidays :D

You will be grand. It will help build your strengh up so when you start to upgrade your bike you will be able to go bigger due to not lugging around the extra weight. When I started riding my bike was 14kg so man up. :P

Thanks mr yoshi from your idea of manning up i think I'm going to buy a snickers bar and I'm going to get some nuts :P

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i've just started and using a onza pro 09 and dont find the weight too much of a problem. A lighter bike has to ae easyer but also costs a lot more too. So like was said above good starting bike.

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Well going from a light bike to a bike that weighs more will always be a problem, but going the other way. (heavy to light) will always feel better. And as the onzas are the more weighty bike thats a good start in my eyes. Plus its unlikely a higher spec bike is going to weigh more and as you get better higher end stuff is what you going to get.

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