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I still have my front brake on but i only used it for stopping ;)

I broke fff upped my one of my brake mounts threads so i forced to ride brakeless , i was enjoying it for about 2 rides then i got bored , so i want to get my threads sorted pretty soon :) hope you enjoy ..

video will still be converting for a while .. stay tuned ;)


Edited by matt.price
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hey matt, that was good, but i think u can get a better video, i think you need a tripod for to put the camera in a good angle, sometimes the camera is too close and the angle not is good. also try to do more differents moves, there are too many sidehops, anyway i understand brakeless is difficult. If you do it i'm sure you'll make a very nice video ;)

Edited by G_!
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he used it? really i don't think, seems that the camera is on the ground

yeah i did use a tripod , however one was very small so pretty much is on the ground and the other is rubbish and keeps falling ,

can you go into a little more detail on good angles please ? :)

thanks for your comment and everyone elses (Y)

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