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Anit Illuminati-Anti Nwo

Dave Anscombe

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Conspiracy bull?

The very phrase 'New World Order' has been used by people in very powerful positions.

I shall chuckle wholeheartedly at the skeptics when I see the 'WTF? How did this happen?' look on their faces when it all kicks off.

I see your Baaaa and raise you a Mooooooooooo

finally some one who does not have their entire head up their arse

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You raise a discussion and then are unwilling to discuss it. My trust in your level of intellect and intelligence is somewhat lacking.

My point originally was that i am ignorant to the subject (you consider yourself to be informed on the subject) but you tell me to find out for myself? I wouldn't know how to go about sourcing truthful, informed and accurate information on the subject which is why i looked to you as an initial source. I don't want to read a bunch of alarmist websites and bullshit theories but would like genuine info if it is available. If you're unable to help with this why raise a subject and how would you be able to convince anyone that you are in the least bit informed about it?

You truly are a dumb shit.

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7000 cd's of footage

Footage of what? Seriously Dave, all this 'PM me', 'I'll send you links', 'FB me' is doing nothing to convince me. Are you scared that if you post what you know on a public forum 'They' will come and take you to a secret detention camp? This could be a place for a reasonable discussion on the reasoning behind America's interest in certain countries among other things but all this cloak and dagger stuff is just annoying!


This is why i now refuse to share anything in public :)

What, because people show an interest but you're unable to provide anything other than alarmist American conspiracy stuff? Give us something to work with Dave!!

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Let me guess. You also believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy?

You've got to admit there were a few fairly weird elements to those attacks... We sure as hell weren't given anything like the real story (or truth) on that front. Loose Change takes it too far but if half of what in there is true there are some serious questions to answer.

While we're here... moon landings yay or nay?

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You've got to admit there were a few fairly weird elements to those attacks... We sure as hell weren't given anything like the real story (or truth) on that front. Loose Change takes it too far but if half of what in there is true there are some serious questions to answer.

While we're here... moon landings yay or nay?

Ha I'm just wondering if Dave is the sort of person to be susceptible to these sort of things.

Dave reminds me of this:

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Apparently they are planning on reducing the world's population by 5.5 Billion people, so maybe :lol:

Well that's not really effecting my life, that would be ending it. To be honest once I'm dead I doubt very much that I'll give a shit.

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It amuses me just how similar conspiracy nuts and fundamentalist Christians[/other religion] sound.

I didn't sway either way in the argument until I heard the Queen's actually a lizard from outer-space. Now I'm totally on Dave's side.

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