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I Think I've Broken My Frame.


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Here are a few pictures, absolutely aware of the shocking finish where the anodising hasn't fully come off, hense the shitty spray job and lack of being arsed.



You have the right headset there. The headset should be ~44.10mm and the head tube ~44.00mm. On small point to make is that the Onza head tube isn't quite standard so a 'correct' internal headset won't insert fully into the head tube - but that's nothing to do with the diameter.

What did you use to remove the anodising?

Unfortunately internal headsets are not just one size fits all.

Pretty sure internal headsets are all 44.0mm. Integrated though, that's a minefield.

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You have the right headset there. The headset should be ~44.10mm and the head tube ~44.00mm. On small point to make is that the Onza head tube isn't quite standard so a 'correct' internal headset won't insert fully into the head tube - but that's nothing to do with the diameter.

What did you use to remove the anodising?

Pretty sure internal headsets are all 44.0mm. Integrated though, that's a minefield.

So I do have the right headset then? I spoke to rock and roll bikes who suggested the one DJJ suggested, this one

I used caustic soda to attempt at removing it.

Intergrated is differnt to internal :blink:


if this is the second time you have done this why didnt you just ring tarty and ask what headset it needs?

I assumed that if the external headset didn't fit, that i'd need the internal headset from Tarty that listed them to fit Onza's

Assuming you didn't try and fit that Pig headset with a spade or anything, I don't really think there'd be a problem with returning it...

I bought that from eBay.

I bought the interal basic headset from Tarty.

Really do appreciate all these replies though, so cheers!

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