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Bodybuilding/weight Lifting


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This is a genral question and idle chit chat but is relivant.

I found my love for the gym by big losses and going was doing me good, too feel a different type of pain and hang out with some other lads (no not in a gay way, sorry TF). I soon got really into it going 4 times a week, making friends and traing with someone helped me even more.

Would spend an easy 2 too 3 hours in there doing a mix of different sets in different sections of the body, 2 sections max per trainging sesh. I'll start monday, rest tues, go weds and so forth.

Started off just doing it raw or natural, no extras to help me lift or gain. Natural memoery of my musscle came about pretty quick and drinking plenty of water helped. Found my best gains, size holding and not pissing every 5 mins was 3L a day.

Have now started using extras to help gain more, size, strength, power, lift weight bigger and heaveyer. No roids, just natural stuff already present or once that was as age takes over it tappers off. Boosters more than anything.

Diet i should sort but though of food with my current state of mind is not on the higest list. I do make sure i eat well though.

When i rode last which was a good few months ago i was having fun and could throw the bike about a bit. I just been out on a mates bike which is exactly the same as mine and loved every second. I felt really at home on the bike and threw it about more than i ever have done. Felt way more confident in my self than ever.

I belive the gym has helped me, it's not all just about arms in there my legs have a lot more power now.

Just wandering if anyone else is a bit of a gym whore/fanatic. Whilest i was ridding i remebered an old via of TRA doing some weights and then how much power he had.

I'll upload some photos of the stuff i take and of my gains if anyones intrested.

Just had delivery of my gravity boots and inversion bar so i can really work on the boring stuff at home watching tv (may have to flip the TV)

Anyway im not after an argument here but more a case of are there others that go and we can share what we do (routine) and stuff. I really found it helped me ride let alone help me in my self feel better


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I used to go to the gym and had my own weights, but I mainly used them for recovery after injury. I didn't really enjoy the gym, not my idea of a fun time plus being too big can hold back your riding.

I enjoy going to the gym but again going too big hold you back on a bike, plus being in the gym means I'm not riding!

Pete, what supplements do you take and where do you get them from? I find that creatine comes in handy on the bike as well as at the gym, and I always have a protein shake after a ride to help me recover.

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I wouldn't class myself as a bodybuilder but I do try to pump a bit of iron I can see a bit of difference. I would like to see how you progressed and how long as I've bin at 12 months and look a tiny little bit better

Also mods why not let him post everywhere except for sale ?

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I enjoy going to the gym but again going too big hold you back on a bike, plus being in the gym means I'm not riding!

Pete, what supplements do you take and where do you get them from? I find that creatine comes in handy on the bike as well as at the gym, and I always have a protein shake after a ride to help me recover.

I took part in a program with these guys http://www.trec-nutrition.co.uk/

They offered a 3 month supply to try for free if you did gain x-amount. It was in a local shop the offer, some form to fill in, stuff comes in the post. Nice Polish chick in the shop and her hubby is massive!

I take a fair wack of stuff to be honest but here is a list ok!!

I take a mix of this when resting or training as needed (im not enorsed by these guys ok, just i got really good results and it's cheap)

NitroBolon Energizer

L-Carnitine Complex






ECA Stack

ISO2 Gainer


Vit C

I know thats a lot of stuff to take, it could be worse but it really has helped me. I got really quick results when i started to add something to help regrow the ripped muscles and then as i added other stuff i was able to lift bigger and was more pumped. Gains stayed longer. I'm not taking all of it everyday but i take least 1 of it all every day i hit the gym.

Creatine is okay, it retains water so you have to be carefull with it as you can get really big taking it and all it is water weight as to muscle.

I was 14st, have now dropped to 12st, i dipped to 10.5st in the 1st month. My ass was on fire, water was helping flush toxins etc out. Im now at 16'' arms ''guns'' and im just getting back into running on my rest days to strip an inch of fat.

This video recently got uploaded but is towards the end of my 1st month. Rope hammer curls ***. Big instant gain, strengthens the wrist and evens up that forarm. Also a slight tricep workout if you fully extend on the down.


I wouldn't class myself as a bodybuilder but I do try to pump a bit of iron I can see a bit of difference. I would like to see how you progressed and how long as I've bin at 12 months and look a tiny little bit better

Also mods why not let him post everywhere except for sale ?

I'll post some of the photos shortly, gotta find my phone.

I can only post here, i was able to access it all then Tom put me back in the cage

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No need to suck in your stomach on all the pics, and I'll quite happily dispute the claims creatine just retains water. I take it every day and have for quite a while and never struggled with water retention, and also I don't reckon you need all those supplements. Maybe if you were on steroids (I know as my cousin and a few local lads are ask over them) they'd be worth it but not at the level your at, especially going off your pictures. I hope I don't offend with my comments it's just how I see it having spent quite a bit of time in the gym, trying various supplements myself and knowing people who've been doing it for years!

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I'm no pro but that many supplements can't be good (must cost a fortune aswell) how did you get that deal with the company ?

Also creatin in cycles is brilliant

Plus body builders shouldn't be 10.5 stone closer to th 14-15 Mark

If your enjoying it though keep going how long have you been training?

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You've just started Pete? Personaly I wouldn't bother with supplements until you've been going for a year or so (I don't use any, found I can lift as much without) - your body grows pretty well by itself at first - save the cash. I used to be pretty intense on the gym but now I only manage twice a week so focus on some core exercises:

Bench press - the peoples favourite :)

Pull/chin ups


Shoulder press

Arm curls

Freench press/skull crushers

I do variations on each exercise/muscle group each week just to keep it interesting.

I train for strength so size and shape comes as a by product, I'm now at a size which hinders riding a bit - but never mind. Hit it hard and heavy and don't skimp on the control of the lift.

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Is it not a proven science that creating retains water? puls it should be taken for 4 weeks at a time with 4 weeks rest (lets the body catch up and make its own again) anyway, good word of advice, change what companies you use for supplements every few months as each one has a different blend and your body gets bored of the same thing, meaning less gains. Take one shake a day (after training), companies tell you to take more so you have to buy it again sooner (its only protein what about the rest of the stuff you need?). Don’t waste money on tablets ect if your not on the gear.....pointless just spend then cash on good food (chicken, steak, fish, brown rice, veg, fruit and nuts ect, all the good stuff) just eat every two hours if you training hard.

Trained for 12months solid and when from 11st 12% body fat to 13.1 8% body fat that’s with a good diet and routine including CV. (I'll find out the plan a used and put it up, on some paper somewhere about). But let myself go now again, just can’t keep at it. Got pictures but I’ll keep them to myself ;)

And the plan was created by an Ex Navy PT and pro body builder.


Edited by Darcy
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Pete I agree lay of all the shit just stick to a shake aday 2 on training days one of them before bed and do a bit of creatine see if you like it.

Anyone used a shaker can you keep liquid inthere and put in your bag or will it leak?

I would like o see you stick at it pete very interested to how big you get maybe 3 months time put sum more pics up

Good luck fella :)

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The photos and vid are not recent as i said. They are from starting

I've gone through 3 phases, cut, build, bulk n tone. Im just starting the bulk now.

First week had the shits but it soon stopped, mix of the the protien going in and fat coming off me. As long as you keep enough water going in your fine liver wise for processing the stuff. This stuff is already present in you, im just increasing it by boosting it or making my body produce more.

The deal was a at shop in Bristol in the gallaries. I got something craxy like 13 different things and enough for the duration. You had to measure and take photos submit them before and after. Agree to them being used as well.

Polish stuff is nuts, the Nitro really kicks in when going for the 5th set of 12-15 reps, really big vain pump sometimes.

I got one of them funkey 2 part mixers, keeps power free from the liquid. ebay is your best bet!

My arms are @ 16'' now and thats really tight in a medium polo shirt, slim fit from primark! LOL.

Im happerly doing rope hammer curls @ 50kg now, been trying them as a drop set. 50k x 5 sets of 12-15 reps then drop down 5kg, repeate x 5 sets of 12-15 reps then drop down again 5kg etc etc all the way till you fail or have 5kg. With freeweight or as a preacher curl doing 40kg. I just find 10kg extra easyer on the rope.

I've a plan for the UK's top body Builder, Martin Larson. Big ugly fella and makes you work dam hard. I'll post it up.

Im not going for the huge body building size, but shear power and strength with a decent cut weight, size. Take the front cover of say mens helth.

I'll mail the lass @ tech now and ask if she can let me know when the next taster is on.

I'll never touch roids, one gym here got busted as they were all on it. Local pub has load of gym lads go and there all like road kill yet there 25+. I'd rather take it in the ass that inject juice. Least all the stuff im taking is aproved both eu, uk and us!

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What polish stuff do you use ?

Yh I would like to see the workout see if I can do much more also I meant if you put your milk in then shaker the put it In your work bag will it leak ?

If you don't go bragging your on roids you won't get caught no need to get em if yoy don't wanna be massive but do your research first you don't want little balls ;)

Like i say keep going if that's what you enjoy front cover of mens health = lots of spray tans and baby oil ;)

Edited by onza1
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I don´t get you guys saying that too big body is going to make your riding worse...well,what is too big for you?TRA is normally abou 215pounds,nowdays over 220,do you actually think he isn´t good rider?or is he worse than he used to be 4-5years ago when he was like 200(still fckn heavy for trials standar b t w)?because I don´t.It´s all about strenght to BW ratio,that´s what matters.I used to ride when I was 16,bw was around 150 and was good rider,at least that´s what I thought.But I quitted next year and have started to hit the gym,now after 6years I´m riding again and I´m 205 ATM,but was 220 too and I gotta tell you,I can do everything that i used to but so much easier than before,like I don´t even need to try harder.It´s all about how you train,bw isn´t going to be problem unless you´re waaay too heavy for your strenght.

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Ive been hitting the gym for 2 months now, and i really enjoy it! its not as fun as riding, but i enjoy it. Since i started going my sidehop has increased by 4 inches even though i havent been riding a whole lot with the crap weather. Im 16 and weight 147 pounds. i dont take any supplements really, i have found that coconut juice is really good as a substitute for water, its probly the best thirst quencher ive had. and occasionaly ill have a muscle milk just cuz i love it so much lol.

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Ive been hitting the gym for 2 months now, and i really enjoy it! its not as fun as riding, but i enjoy it. Since i started going my sidehop has increased by 4 inches even though i havent been riding a whole lot with the crap weather. Im 16 and weight 147 pounds. i dont take any supplements really, i have found that coconut juice is really good as a substitute for water, its probly the best thirst quencher ive had. and occasionaly ill have a muscle milk just cuz i love it so much lol.

Plus Christian is very motivated to ride well in National comps this year riding the Expert line. You remind me a bit of Trevor Bodough. Good on you Christian.

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I did for a while, but having the weights in a messy bike room meant i ended up not moving everything out just to do a bit of excercise so i just stopped. Now i have space in the garage i'm going to get back into it again. Though to be honest pete i would just cut all the crap. I'm going to be a bit presumptuous here and say that as you specified all the chemicals you're taking and haven't posted anything about your diet that you fit into the "student trend workout". I know you aren't a student but the group is those that take all the gimmicky products taking them massively seriously but complimenting them with a kfc for dinner or a pot noodle for lunch. Paying for products and skimping out on ACTUAL food is the wrong way around.

You need to make sure your diet is spot on to see the biggest gains. Brown pasta, chicken, tuna, eggs, brown rice, boiled fish and veg. And above all PLENTY of water. You'll find that as you start out you naturally see a big burst of size gain for the first 3-6 months. This is normal and nothing to do with the chemicals, this is your bodies way of reacting to the sudden change in muscle use and would happen without a makeshift science lab for a kitchen.

My advice, eat well and buy QUALITY food, use simple whey protein to aid with muscle repair and make sure to change your routines every 10 weeks or so as your body will revert to the beginners gain mode again if you shock it by mixing up your routine.

Also, I took creatine a while back and found the side effects worse than the benefits. Creatine is supposed to draw water into your muscles and so you need to increase your water intake. Following cause and effect you end up needing to piss far too frequently for everyday life. I also found that the creatine caused my muscles to cramp a lot earlier during excercise especially when going out riding.

I stick very firmly by the old school method of free weights and whey protein only.

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I have to say I love hitting the gym a 3-4 times a week sort of guy. Seems like your taking a hell of a lot of supplements, I usually have a pure protein shake in the morning, all-in-one an hour before training, then a pure protein again post training.

Had a lot of gains to be honest, started at 10.5stone now up to 13stone. I often train with a few of my rugby pals usually doing a mix between compound and isolation exercises.

As for it helping trials I would defiantly say you can see the advantages, explosive moves have become a lot easier and I also feel I have more control thanks to the strength aspect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

pretty much what boatsy said, although to be fair, If your bulking, or just working out and not watching your weight too much, I dont see kfc as a particularly bad choice.

with regards to your supplements, on top of what has already been said, you say youd never juice,you realise some of the guys who are taking roids are taking a whole lot more natural stuff than you(namely those injecting testosterone)

t3/ t4 is basically a pro hormone, and also illegal. not to mention there both practically the same thing(if memory serves me correct its similar to the whole GHB/GBL scenario, one was banned, so they basically produced another compound which your body will break down into the original compound, but theyve banned both now anyway)

ECA stack, you aware of what that is??




used for cutting fat primarily, but on the scale of stimulants, ephedrine sits right between caffeine and amphetamines(speed), its also illegal, unless prescribed by a doctor(usually in super low doses for chest pains).

but yea, your sticking more chemicals in your body, with seemingly little knowledge of what there doing to you or whats in them,(a 2 minute google has revealed nitrobolan contains BCAA's,as does a lot of whey protein, and your supplementing them) than the guys that are very much into juicing, but take care in how they do it, for big gains.

if you got all this stuff from that shop, they are worse than the gym you said got closed down for steroid use, at least in there they were only selling to people in the gym, whereas from the sounds of it this supplement store are selling illegal dangerous supplements to any tom dick harry or pete that walks in there.

as for me, i do lift,although struggling to take it seriously, as all my local gyms are crap for lifting big, so only tend to actually take it seriously when im at my mates. currently sat around 16 stone 11, about 17.5 inch biceps at a guess(i dont measure them), deadlift 400lbs, leg press about 550, bench is absolutely awful, sat around 170lbs. ideally id be this weight and have a 500lb deadlift and a 250lb bench, or be 14-14.5 stone with the same lifts i got now.

main thing ive found for getting big/increasing strength is to fob off all the crappy cable curls, tricep extensions, etc for a couple of weeks, and go back to getting a bar,a bunch of heavy weights, and just lift the thing off the floor/off your chest. but the gym that i attend has took the olympic bar away, and theres no actual bench, only a smith machine, which sucks.

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I dont see kfc as a particularly bad choice.

main thing ive found for getting big/increasing strength is to fob off all the crappy cable curls, tricep extensions, etc for a couple of weeks, and go back to getting a bar,a bunch of heavy weights, and just lift the thing off the floor/off your chest. but the gym that i attend has took the olympic bar away, and theres no actual bench, only a smith machine, which sucks.

KFC is about as close to good, useful chicken as a big mac is to a steak. Besides, maryland chicken is waaaay better :P

I very much agree about the free weights point. Free weights are very versatile and can be used to replicate pretty much every machine in the gym. A bench and a set of free weights is all i've ever had at home and whilst i do lack in commitment to training and seem to have the same weak areas as yourself, i'm not the smallest person in the world, despite the disadvantage of me being tall/long limbed. I find the free weights give a more overall workout whilst still targeting your intended muscle group. I've always looked at gym machines to be too specific for their own good.

Besides, it's much more rewarding to go it old school and lift a big block of iron than to pull on a lever that drives a belt and turns a cog that then lifts a weight :lol:

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