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Stripping Gu Typhoon


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so as was mentioned in my earlier post i am now using nitro mors

having difficulty gettin in and amongst the nooks and crannies

using a wire brush attachment on a drill but although it is working pretty well at shifting the paint i seem to be getting splatter onto areas which i have stripped so its a sort of p***ing into the wind kind of affair at the moment

any tips espec people who have rawed this frame before would be great


Edited by tdubz
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Wire wool, dont worry too much aboout getting it on your skin, it burns for like a day at max,

I spent a good 3 hourds doing the welds for my bmx,

Good tip is to use a heat gun carefully on then to soften the paint, then bust some nitromorse on top

Use a mega fine sandpaper afterwards for the extra shin and smoothness

Worked for me anyway

Edited by TROYston
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dont worry too much aboout getting it on your skin, it burns for like a day at max,


Or you could just wear gloves and eye protection and not worry about it.

Keep slapping on the nitromors and letting it work its way in before you try removing the paint. Do lots of layers.

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