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Potentual Business Startup: Mobile Bike Repair In Cardiff

mat hudson

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alright guys, long time no post i know but i havn't had the internet for a long time!

i'm moving to cardiff on the 24th of this month and i've had this idea for a mobile bike repair service for a while now, and since i'm moving to a bigger place i thought it would be the perfect time to put it into action. it would basically entail riding to peoples houses and fixing their bikes.

i need a few things and because i'm a bit out of the loop i thought it would just be best to ask here.

i neeed a lightweight(ish) bikestand that would fold up small enough to strap to/go in my bag and lightweight(ish) tools aswell, i've always been a fan of the parktool stuff but the stands are definately not portable. :P obviously i cant carry round disk facing tools and headset removers, the business would be more aimed at smaller problems, servicing, trueing, punctures and the like, so i dont need a full set of tools.

so if anyone has any suggestions, they would be well appriciated.

being rushed out of the house by the mrs so if i missed anything out please let me know.


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Long time no speak ;)

My brother's planning on doing a very similar thing, but it involves using a van rather than riding place to place. I'll try and dig up the info I found for him and see if that helps, some of it should be applicable. Good luck with it either way (Y)

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Long time no speak ;)

My brother's planning on doing a very similar thing, but it involves using a van rather than riding place to place. I'll try and dig up the info I found for him and see if that helps, some of it should be applicable. Good luck with it either way (Y)

not in cardiff i hope or i'll have to slash his tyres :P i'm suprised noone really has done anything like this before i couldnt find any companies at all on the web appart from one in pennsylvannia which shouldnt be a problem competition-wise ;)

anyway hows tings? still photogoraphering?

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Some chap down this way used to do this sort of thing, again from a van.

I think riding spot to spot will make life a bit of a bitch unless you know what it is your up against as you can only take very limited tools and kit with you.

Just taking a workstand and truing stand along with you would be awkward enough if you're cycling place to place, let along a full range of decent tools. Freewheel removal, for example, is a bitch without a vice compared to having one which turns it into a 30 second job. A van gives you a base for all that kind of thing, plus you've got all your tools at hand rather than getting to the job and realising you need X, Y or Z and have to ride back across town to get them :P

Turning up on a bike would be fine for bits and bobs, but if you were looking to give a more "professional" sort of vibe it might be worth looking into other transport options.

That said, all the best with it. Hopefully it'll work out well and you'll be on to a winner (Y)

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My ex-housemate bought a bike off 'the bike doctor' or someone (this is in cardiff).

You can apparently find him at the front of the student union every wednesday or thursday morning, he fixes all the students bikes for free, and also, I guess, sells some on the side. So, erm.. might be worth checking that out.. (Y)

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Long time no speak also Matt!

Sounds a great idea, I must agree it would be much easier in a small van ie a transit connect (which I have for sale) hehe.

Cardiff is a big place, jobs could be miles apart for a start.

As for the College idea, I'd try and pick up a round, as in, regularly go to Cardiff uni on one day and possibly drive to Swansea another?

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