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Can't Do Anything To The Right?


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Hello, been riding for a bit over a month now and just getting the hang of basics. I can side hop (both wheels together) about a kurbs height and do an endo side hop off walls and endos of about 90 degrees. However I can only hop or turn to my left, I'm left foot forward and when I try to endo and turn right I just fall off, and trying to sidehop to the right the back wheel doesn't come with me :(

I've started doing sidehops on my scooter to try and make my brain figure it out but still, how can I learn to move to the right?

I'm left foot forward by the way.

Thanks in advance :)

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I'm right foot forward, and when I sidehop to the left I can only get a reasonable height if I take off from both wheels. When I sidehop to the right I'm a lot better taking off from the backwheel (but I pretty much can't back hop so it's pretty quick)

It's individual to you, the example everyone uses is Neil Tunnicliff who sidehops to his good foot and obviously this works quite well for him.

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The problem you'll be having with turning right is cause your right foot is more to the back of the bike than your left it makes it easier to push the back end round when endoing or bunnyhopping. Turning to the side of your forward foot means you'll be using your body more so the way you need to balance yourself is completely different, just purely a practice thing really if you want to get it nailed.

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i do most of my trick to the right swing the back out that way . am right foot forward . but some tricks may seem easyer to do left with still right foot forward . like my 180s i swing the front round to the left with power coming from right foot foward an left foot pushing it round to the right. side hops to the left ,right foot aplying power and pushing to the left with left foot back out the way helping with just getting up . nown an then i do it opposite an can only get half the hight. fakey out to 180 i can go both ways with that no sure how i learn them haha . its all down to riding preferences just keep at it both ways an you will get it soon

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I don't want to steal this topic, but is it actually "normal" that i can only:

side hop to my right

180 to the left

Endo to the left

and backwheel-hop-turning (lol) to the left

and i ride with my right foot forward.

Is that basically normal or would it be more natural to turn/sidehop to the other side?

Edited by Hopping_Topsy
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