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I Am Back, Lets Sort This For Once & All


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Nor an idea of a brake.

Really? They're quite common, generally providing a level of retardation. I'm somewhat surprised you weren't involved in its conception, together with the wheel of course.








Just lol.

Questions... there are so many.

1) Was your typing/English always so poor? For someone who has done so much and been involved with so many groundbreaking inventions/designs/indictments/whatever, it worries me somewhat.

2) Do you really naturally face magnetic north, and are your legs hydraulic?

And, leading on from that, 3) Are you the Stig?



3. You all saw the new report on my little brother, again enough said there!

I, for one, have no idea who your brother is or anything about a report, new or old.

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Were Drazic's legal fees too high to take litigation any further?

Not sure what happend to him in the end. He ended his ties here, bought him self out and left back to the USA. Last i heard he working for Fox when i spoke with Mel in Newport.

(Read his name, it says he's the real Pete!)

Peter really on my paper work but i prefer Pete :)

How convenient shifty.gif

Not really, £30K break-in, the manager before me helped him self to £7K worth of stock over the 2 years he ran the place. I just happend to help there now and then be a very good customer to the owner he delt with my accounts. I'd left my side of things and he offered me a chance to get back in but low key as to what I use to do. I took it on, made money, made a lot of friends, regular customer base. Inflation and life sadly ment it was not viable as a small business. Credit crunch does this!


Really? They're quite common, generally providing a level of retardation. I'm somewhat surprised you weren't involved in its conception, together with the wheel of course.

Just lol.

Questions... there are so many.

1) Was your typing/English always so poor? For someone who has done so much and been involved with so many groundbreaking inventions/designs/indictments/whatever, it worries me somewhat.

2) Do you really naturally face magnetic north, and are your legs hydraulic?

And, leading on from that, 3) Are you the Stig?


Im dislexic or how ever you spell it. I failled English when at school. Never got any help with it, had to learn everything and try and improve as i've grown up. Enstine was the same. Just beacuse you can not write clearly, spell word perfectly does not mean your thick. Heck the man that made the wind up radio, tourch etc etc he's the same. Yet he's minted!

Im not the stig, i feel 6ft under currently with the loss of my baby!

1. How come you never came to Hastings to beat me up like you said you would?


I vaigley remeber this. 1st I'd like to say sorry. Mike I appoligise for the argument and the threat. I was wrong, imature and stupid. I should not of made such an agusation towards you, let alone on a public forum. 2nd it would of done nothing should it of happen. A lot of things had been said, threaten, all way out of proportion as to ether leaving it I just added too it.

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I rang that shop phone number. Shame it didnt connect to anything, could have been an interesting phone call.

Last time I walked by the shop it's been gutted and is total bare, all the slack wall and flooring been removed. There was notice for planning permision of a bookies to go there.

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Just been to the Co-Op and got two pizzas to go with my cider and chocolate pud; nights entertainment sorted! Welcome back Pete :) been sick on Prawn's sofa recently?

You'll get fat man! Thanks for the welcome. Wow that was some time ago!! I think it was the Pompy Keba him and Bigman made me eat! I'd forgoten that happend

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I don't know you am a bit confused why Are you back on the forum if you dnt ride anymore?

Who's your brother and what's he done?

Anyway welcome back

I have a lot of my bike left over too sell, seams the right place to sell it within the right sections! Better than ebay.

I may ride again who knows.

My little brother past 4 years ago, was in the Army.

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If you are indeed the real Pete Wright looking to change your ways, you might wanna sort me out (then you're a free man as far as i'm concerned and can do as you please around here)

Might remember me from my old account, this was several years a go. Was using the name "20inchsuperstar" back then, real name is Matt Purdon and i had an '05 Pitbull with fluro green rims on it, was pretty distinctive. We chatted for ages on msn (you on you pjalchemist@..... account) and i considered you a mate - i had an Echo rim brake for sale when they were new and you said you'd buy it from me. Being a friend and needing it to ride on the weekend i sent it out to you on the condition you'd send me either a cheque or cash recorded in the post the same day - needless to say it never arrived...

We kept chatting for a few days and i even gave you the information you couldn't see on the forum (being banned yourself at the time) about some guy who'd been machining the internals of the lever and putting Magura internals in, after this i never heard from you again.

It was for sale for £60 at the time, in all honesty i'd love to see that at long last but anything to prove you really are serious about changing would mean a lot to me and i'm sure a lot of other members. After that, it's done as far as i'm concerned and i'm sure we can start a fresh.

Here's hoping you're serious,


Edited by Skoze
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d) All of the above.

Shame Luke has nothing hard core to prove it! Even if the case I was would i be really here offering to make amens....!

If you are indeed the real Pete Wright looking to change your ways, you might wanna sort me out (then you're a free man as far as i'm concerned and can do as you please around here)

Might remember me from my old account, this was several years a go. Was using the name "20inchsuperstar" back then, real name is Matt Purdon and i had an '05 Pitbull with fluro green rims on it, was pretty distinctive. We chatted for ages on msn (you on you pjalchemist@..... account) and i considered you a mate - i had an Echo rim brake for sale when they were new and you said you'd buy it from me. Being a friend and needing it to ride on the weekend i sent it out to you on the condition you'd send me either a cheque or cash recorded in the post the same day - needless to say it never arrived...

We kept chatting for a few days and i even gave you the information you couldn't see on the forum (being banned yourself at the time) about some guy who'd been machining the internals of the lever and putting Magura internals in, after this i never heard from you again.

It was for sale for £60 at the time, in all honesty i'd love to see that at long last but anything to prove you really are serious about changing would mean a lot to me and i'm sure a lot of other members. After that, it's done as far as i'm concerned and i'm sure we can start a fresh.

Here's hoping you're serious,


Matt. The only Echo brake i have ever bought was off chap called Felix on eBay. It had a red leaver and he said it was a front but fact it was a rear left hand used on the front, just needed a longer hose. My user ID is PeterW85 and it was least 2 years ago I think.

Send me an e-mail pjalchemist(AT)aol(DOT)com and we can talk some more and see what can be done. Im glad you have posted within this topic. I look forward to your mail to amend this outstanding problem.


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