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How To Lose A Belly?

Little Yoshi

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As some of you who have met me or maybe seen a clip of me on the bike will have noticed that I have a belly that could be a match for Santa. And you may of also noticed my moobs.(pics on request but it will cost you ;))

Now I don't really have any fat on my apart from my torso. Was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what exercise's(sp) to do to get rid of this and to generally raise my level of fitness.

Cheers for any advice.

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As some of you who have met me or maybe seen a clip of me on the bike will have noticed that I have a belly that could be a match for Santa. And you may of also noticed my moobs.(pics on request but it will cost you ;))

Now I don't really have any fat on my apart from my torso. Was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what exercise's(sp) to do to get rid of this and to generally raise my level of fitness.

Cheers for any advice.

No dont loose the moobs they really turn me on :$

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Can't specifically target fat areas to get rid of weight, it's a whole package deal so just try and lose fatty foods and carbs after lunchtime and drink plenty of water (pref about 2.5l a day).

Oh yeah and exercise!

A low carb ketogenic diet has no benefits over a high carb non-ketogenic diet.

You can stick to 1-2 glasses of water a day if you eat plenty of fruit / veg. (I'll have a look for the article that explains why theres no point to drinking all that water.)

Also, you want moderately high fats, low saturated fats and roughly 1g of protein per pound of your over all weight.

Buy a set of dumbbells, get cheap secondhand ones from ebay / gumtree and do as many of these exercises as possible.

Edit* Try taking Acai, Multivitamins and Fish Oils (not cod liver, cod liver oil is full of all the off cuts).

This should keep you going for a while.

Edit2* This isn't the exact article I was on about but the points are similar. Clicky.

Edited by Azarathal
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If you want, I'll pm you details of my home workout to keep me slim whilst eating the worst foods imaginable, pictures in it too if your even remotely interested... Its the workout that keeps me 'bikefit' too, so you wont get as exhausted riding!

Post it in here, why not.

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My day to day food contains 2 wheatabix for brakfast, Ham sandwhich and 2 portions of fruit and maybe a Goahead bar thing. Lunch is a ham sandwhich and 3 bits of fruits and on Mon,Wed and Fri a bag of walkers baked ready salted crips. Dinner is normaly something along the lines of meat, veg and tatties in some shape or form. Drink about 3 or 4 pints of water a day. and maybe a pint or 2 of tea spread out during the day.

Mr Hail stick them up here.

My BMI at the moment is 28.1. Which is high but was expecting that due to being off the bike since September.

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I'm currently dropping weight like there's no tomorrow, but I was ill at Christmas and haven't had any appetite since. I never eat breakfast, then usually just have something snacky for lunch (beans on toast, 2 slices/half a tin for example), then something decent sized for tea. It's meant I've been eating around 1750cal a day for 2 months, so in that time I've lost 22lbs, down from 190lbs to 168lbs.

I hate it because I'm losing what little bulk I had, just can't get it down. :/

This kinda diet might work for you, who knows.

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just simply make your diet healthy an go for a couple of runs a week.

once you get past the stage of feeling liek your dieing fter only a couple of miles you'll star to love running.

yeah you can do exercises and weights but its not going to get rid of the bulk anywhere near as quick as running will do

you still need to do the other bits as suggested but combine both and you'll have chicks hunting you down soon enough.

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Mr hail. Thank you very much. Will start doing it once I get some gear together. By oil drums do you mean 5 gallon or 1 gallon ones? Also we have a JCB. ;) But thanks for everything. Plus can do a wall sit for about 4/5 mins. Got to love skiiing. :P

The fastest thing we have to fast food here is the rabbit and deer that runs about on the hills that soon end up on the table.

And I find no enjoyment in running. Have tried it before. Can see why people do it but its not for me.

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Running is massive emphasis on core strength, it's the only thing that gets rid of any fat around my abs (other then swimming but I hate swimming pools)

I do a fair amount of milage on my xc machine (ride 6miles each way to work 3 times a week and 15-25 over a weekend) and have got much fitter in the two months i've been doing this. but although I'm fitter and leaner elsewhere my belly is still podgy (I am a skinny build so its the only area with any fat on it).

The only time I was properly lean in a year or two was when i was running twice a week. XC for about 5miles and pounding pavements for another 5miles. so 10 miles a week taking no more then 2hrs total, including showers and driving to the xc loop.

I guess I do like binge drinking, so this is probably karma being a bitch. If you're the same, avoid doing this, you'll drop loads of weight

also running in the highlands would kick ass for hill training! you'd end up super powerful and really drop weight if you find a nice sized hill.....

Edited by shamus
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Running is massive emphasis on core strength, it's the only thing that gets rid of any fat around my abs (other then swimming but I hate swimming pools)

I do a fair amount of milage on my xc machine (ride 6miles each way to work 3 times a week and 15-25 over a weekend) and have got much fitter in the two months i've been doing this. but although I'm fitter and leaner elsewhere my belly is still podgy (I am a skinny build so its the only area with any fat on it).

The only time I was properly lean in a year or two was when i was running twice a week. XC for about 5miles and pounding pavements for another 5miles. so 10 miles a week taking no more then 2hrs total, including showers and driving to the xc loop.

I guess I do like binge drinking, so this is probably karma being a bitch. If you're the same, avoid doing this, you'll drop loads of weight

also running in the highlands would kick ass for hill training! you'd end up super powerful and really drop weight if you find a nice sized hill.....

If you want a good sized hill come here. got one about 2 miles from my house that rised 1100 feet in about 2 miles.

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I ran for 2 weeks because work made me, 2 miles on soft sand before every shift (worked on the beach). Lost half a stone in that time. Went from taking 23 minutes down to 17 in the end. Calves felt like they had been set on fire and attacked with a knife, but after that it felt good. Were in a group of 40 of us though so kinda had someone to keep pace with.

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your diets there, well not there, but its not bad, simple tip, find crap you enjoy, and do it. at the end of the day cardio doesnt have to mean treadmills or swimming, you can lift weights for cardio, providing your lifting at the right intensity, I hate running, can just about stand xc riding(well i enjoy it, i just dislike washing my bike, driving to the local track etc) but last summer i dropped like 32-35 lbs in like 4 months to go on holiday. and most of it was by weights + diet(but my normal diet is awful, and my dietting diet sounds no better than your regular diet)

I used to get 40kg on a barbell(non olympic, so were talking 45-50kg all in) put it on the floor, deadlift it to the waist, curl it to the shoulders, press it, and then reverse. would also deadlift it, then swing it to chest height, pull it in to the chest, front squat it, extend the bar back out, swing it back down under control, then stick it back on the floor. Would do this at a decent pace, and to be honest, it would get the hear rate right up, and i could do it for far longer than i could stay entertained running.

Other thing i could quite happily do all day, is loaded carries, pick something heavy up,and move it, doesnt really matter what, or how, weve got 25kg test weights at work, grab one in each hand, shrug the shoulders and carry them.

the main reason i find stuff like this easier to do, is because a) its hard and B) theres no easy option. its all to easy to stop running, and start walking if your a bit tired, rather than running through that stitch, but if your lugging 50kg of dirt in a hessian sack, theres no easy way of carrying it once your knackered,you can stop, but your not getting any closer to where you need to be, you dont make any progress till you strap on a pair and start carrying again,but with running, if your knacked after 3k of a 5k run, you can just walk it.

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