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Reverse Wheel Swap

TrialsMan Dan

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Reet guys just wondering if theres anyone that can help me out giving some useful tips to help me nail this damned trick, im not even sure what its proper name is but it looks cool and yeah it is quite an advanced move but i guess trying the harder stuff is the only way to improve my riding. I can get the up to rear bit (easy) and the jist of the swap itself (kinda difficult) but the bit that annoys me is keeping on the front wheel then keeping the bike high enough before dropping off again. Im only practsing on curbs and smallish ledges the now no more than about a foot high but once ive got the move dialled i'll progress to bigger stuff. For those wondering what on earth im on about just look at 5:32 and around 6:00 mins on the video in the link (yeah i could have found something that got straight to the point but i knew it was in this :P)

Oh and if anyones got any tips on the fakie nose roll that would be cool (Y)


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I find them much easier than normal wheelswaps as it's more of throwing the bike around. Sort of think of it as going to do an abubaca but only back hop off part of the way and push down on the forks.

A good way I found of learning them is find some steps, backwheel on the first and then try and do it so the front wheel lands on the top, then gradually hop up the next step so your having to pull futher back each time. If that makes sense...

And for fakie nose rolls -

Edited by bikeperson45
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