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Are You Green?



59 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you recycle?

    • All the time, i do as much as i can.
    • quite alot.
    • Sometimes.
    • not alot.
    • Nah, dont recycle atall.
  2. 2. Are you keen on the enviroment?

    • Yes.
    • A bit, i take some interest.
    • No.
  3. 3. Whats you Favorite way to travel?

    • Car
    • Bus
    • Train
    • Bike
    • Walk
    • Motorbike
  4. 4. Total Green-ness?

    • 0
    • 2
    • 4
    • 6
    • 8
    • 10
  5. 5. Would you prefer to buy a bike rack for a garage that is made from wood rarther than metal?

    • Yes, i would buy the wood bike rack.
    • No, i would but the metal bike rack.

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For some Resistant materials school work i need to find out how 'green' you guys are as cyclists. So obv i thought the best place to ask would be here.

My question from my teacher was:

Are most cyclists keen on the environment ? ~ ask some to find out.

So im just asking some random questions to find out. If you think of another one i could ask please say, i couldn't think of alot.

Thanks in advance,

and sorry if spelling isn't good or anything this was a bit rushed.

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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We do recycle pretty much everything, although stuff with important details/ addresses on gets burnt.

I am keen on the environment, as working on the beach, used to have to clean it daily and the amount of shit that gets washed up, we could build half a car one week with what got washed up.

The transport part needs an other, as a lot of people on here have motorbikes etc.

Total greenness needs a scale btw, I put 8, but that could also mean im useless at recycling.

If it was made out of recycled metal, it would still be classed as "green" you know.

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Not too sure how using a wooden bike rack makes you more greener or environmentally friendly than a metal one.

Tree huggers would be up in arms

I have to make something unique and i chose a bike rack. I couldn't find any racks made from wood, so there we go, and the wood comes into being green and recycling etc which apparently the examiner would like according to my teacher.

I don't bother thinking about it, it's not really going to effect me in my life time so I don't bother recycle. It's such a shitty attitude I realise that, but it's the truth.

Don't want to start an argument seeing as i'm just doing some research but, all the land fills in England are due to be filled within the next 5 years, not sure about oil or anything like that though. Not saying you should change or anything just some facts ^_^

Could motorbike be added as a travel option? I hate travelling/commuting any other way.

If you wish :)

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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I recycle everything which can be recycled (home-use).

I cycle to work.

All my old clothes get recycled/sent to Africa.

I buy food with minimal packaging - what i mean by this is that i don't buy a single thing thats pre-prepared such as microwave meals etcx, only fresh foods. The obvious stuff like cans, cereal boxes, milk etc all get recycled.

I don't consider myself green as i don't do any of this because it's "commendable", "acknowledgable" or "in-fashion" it just makes sense to me and i do it for my own mental well-being. I guess inadvertantly my lifestyle to others may come across as "green" but it's not an overly conserted effort.

If it helps the environment then that can only be a good thing, as we've only got one and as a cyclist (and human being) i'm keen on preserving what we've got as i enjoy it very much.

Those who say they don't care as it won't effect them in their lifetime are beyond ignorant, yet provide an answer as to why we are at such a stage of mass-consumption/wastage.

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'Are most cyclists keen on the environment ? ~ ask some to find out.' So thats why im here, i guess its all types of cyclists..

If I only rode trials I wouldn't consider myself a cyclist- I only barely count myself as one for messing about in the woods occasionally. Just something to bear in mind.

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To me cycling is using a bicycle as a form of transport, whether for the purpose of commuting, fitness or whatever else. Although I ride a bicycle, I don't consider myself as a trials rider a cyclist. Similarly I don't imagine motorbike trials riders consider themselves motorcyclists in the sense of road riders and commuters- they're just different in the way the rider uses the bike.

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True i spose.. i looked up the definition of cycling and it was travelling by bike.

Wouldn't it be a form of extreme cycling or something then?

Eather way it doesn't really matter too much as long as i have some form of information to put into my coursework. If i didn't have this i'd probably have to lie as such and make up a chart showing fake answers.

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Eather way it doesn't really matter too much as long as i have some form of information to put into my coursework. If i didn't have this i'd probably have to lie as such and make up a chart showing fake answers.

Doh, you get bonus marks for making up a realistic set of answers.

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