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Dealing With Domestic Violence


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Getting rid of her is the best thing.

Might be difficult if there are kids, mortgage or other debts involved thought.

However, I'd like to think if I were ever in such a situation she'd be on the doorstep - but of course this isn't always a reality.

To be honest you'd better send him this link, I doubt there is much to offer on a forum full of teenagers...

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I love how the whole men/woman equality rights is a major thing to think about these days but yet it's acceptable for a woman to hit a man but when a man hits a woman things get blown right out of proportion. In no way am I saying I would hit a woman, because I never would, but it's just such bollocks when you really think about it.

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Si - Seriously, you'd hit a woman back? I can't seem to justify it myself and I can see why you say its what you'd do but I can also see why he doesn't want to.

I'd never hit my missus with the intention of causing harm (so play-fighting aside) but if she did it to me she'd be on the floor in an arm lock until she calmed the f**k down. Its not right to hit a woman precisely because you are (normally) stronger than them and should use that to stop them passively, not lamp them back.

If the guy hasn't got the balls to put her in her place then he should be looking for a way out fast, she doesn't sound like someone who is going to change otherwise.

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yet it's acceptable for a woman to hit a man

Is it? Could you honestly give an example of when it's been permitted and 'accepted'?

I couldn't, and I don't think many people could. The thing is when it involves women it's overlooked and society has it that men are just expected to get over it - sure, probably the first time, but when it happens everyday because someone text you who she doesn't like, or because you're 5 minutes late home because of the traffic it would begin to get a bit tedious.

Hitting her back just isn't an option on two accounts; one, you're dropping to her level. Secondly, as I pointed out, men are expected to get on with it - goggle domestic violence and you'll see they're all support sites for women. My gut instinct is that IF a case went to court after punching a woman because she'd been hitting him everyday - it would more often that not take the side of the female.

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Is it? Could you honestly give an example of when it's been permitted and 'accepted'?

I couldn't, and I don't think many people could. The thing is when it involves women it's overlooked and society has it that men are just expected to get over it - sure, probably the first time, but when it happens everyday because someone text you who she doesn't like, or because you're 5 minutes late home because of the traffic it would begin to get a bit tedious.

Hitting her back just isn't an option on two accounts; one, you're dropping to her level. Secondly, as I pointed out, men are expected to get on with it - goggle domestic violence and you'll see they're all support sites for women. My gut instinct is that IF a case went to court after punching a woman because she'd been hitting him everyday - it would more often that not take the side of the female.

Not really accepted however much much less frowned upon.

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He needs to get the hell out of there. There's not really another option. I don't really see how they can stay living together, what are they going to do? go back to normal and pretend nothing happened? that's just not realistic really. He needs to get out of the relationship. Legally speaking the house must belong to either one or the other of them, or be joint. If it's his, spot on, kick her the hell out. If it's hers, he'll have to rely on friends and family for a bit. If it's joint, he can leave, and she'll owe him his share of it.

(I'm no solicitor, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.)

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If my partner was consistently abusing me, I would hit her back. I wouldn't hit a woman for no reason, but if she's constantly abusing him then sure, she needs a firm punch to stop her doing it again.

I can't see why that's so frowned upon - she's abusing him. It's not like he's hitting her for fun...

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If my partner was consistently abusing me, I would hit her back. I wouldn't hit a woman for no reason, but if she's constantly abusing him then sure, she needs a firm punch to stop her doing it again.

I can't see why that's so frowned upon - she's abusing him. It's not like he's hitting her for fun...

I completely agree. The trouble is, this removes any legal high-ground you ever had if she starts making false accusations. IE, if you're both bruised and battered she could claim she only hit you in self defence, and as this world only seems to frown on sexism when it's towards women, you can bet they'd believe her.

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Yeah, hidden camera's are not a bad idea, although there is obviously the risk that she'll beat seven bells of shit out of him if she finds it/them.

He's obviously told you about it, is there anyone else who can testify that it's her in the wrong if things get to legal proceedings? It's probably a good idea for him to keep a diary of what's happened, including photos of any visible harm she's caused him.

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I've still got defensive scars on my wrists from when I got in a fight with a girl last summer, girls are getting more confident about hitting guys because they know nothings ever going to happen back, I think you should always be able to pin your woman, I'm a firm believer in the fact that if your girlfriend can beat you up then its time to find a smaller girl!

You really have 3 options.

- Leave.... easiest way to avoid being hit, she's not going to take you out to the street to beat you up, the reason she does it in the home is because no-one else is there to see it and you feel safe doing what the hell you want.

- Pin her down and put that bitch in her place - tell her you wont stand for it while busting the rules 'of' jerico on her spoilt ass.

- Or... if your on the ground and cant control her and its a case of you getting beat the shit out of, or her getting a black eye - then i think its acceptable to get her off you....

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Only other way is to set a camera up to get some evidence against her.

That was my initial thought. If he can't report this to the authorities because they disbelief him then he's got to collect some evidence beforehand.

Trials Forum - helping you fix fibreglass bathtubs and contain domestic violence since 2002.

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