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Buff Out A Dent?

Kieran Morrison

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You can tell nobody here works in a car bodyshop :lol:

What you want is one of these with a small head on it. You apply a large amount of suction through a compressor and use the metal handle in the centre of the rod to pull the dent out by yanking on the metal rod really hard. A car body shop would do it for a small cost without drilling or welding anything to the frame like the ridiculous ideas in this thread. They are expensive though so buying one would be largely pointless as it's half the price of most frames.

Personally i'd just leave it. They probably won't notice and if they do it's time to show them a few bail videos and say it's unfortunate to happen so early on, but it will happen sooner or later and will most likely not affect the frame.

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Firstly, you want to put a note saying "24/01/2011" in a bag, tie it to the frame, and throw it in the sea. Some 15,000 years later and with any luck it'll have been fossilised, and a future earth-dweller will be excavating it. Once their hi-tech future excavation machines have had their way with it, it'll look just the same as it does now, and the excavatee, your saviour, will use his super-technologically advanced buffer to buff it out. Upon finding the bag, he will read your note, decipher the numbers and assess them as a date, and use a time machine to bring it back to you, tomorrow, dent-free.

Inb4 hilarious 'meta-bandwagon' remark.

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Tell your mate to stop being a little bitch about all this and be honest with his parents. If they spot it tell them what happened and don't make up some stupid bullshit story. People who can't just tell the truth about shitty little things like this annoy the shit out of me.

Even if you got the dent out somehow the frame would be worse off than is it with the dent.

Edited by Al_Fel
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Alright, does anybody know if its possible to get a dent out of the downtube of a frame?

May be a stupid question, but my mate dented his brand new echo's downtube today and if his parents see he will probably get banned from using it for a few weeks.

So yeah, is it possible?

Not sure if it'll work but its the same aspect my dad done on his car bonnet, drill a small hole in the dent and get a slide hammer in there and just pull it out!

Might not work though as now you have dented it, you've stressed that area and now its weaker and may crack, Just an idea though! :unsure:

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Smack the rest of the tube flat so it looks like it was made like that (Y)

But the problem with that is the fact if he takes a hammer too his frame:

1: It'll make it weaker.

2: He'll lose the paint on his frame making it more obvious.

3: He'll look like a penis doing it.

Just saying :P:giggle::shifty:

Edited by KiDsOn15
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But the problem with that is the fact if he takes a hammer too his frame:

3: He'll look like a penis doing it.

Just saying :P:giggle::shifty:

*to . You know, because you corrected the other guy on his spelling, at least get your own right (Y)

And aren't you meant to be 17, comments like that are a bit childish no? ;)

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Will the parents inspect the bike frequently?

I doubt my parents would have noticed if my bike was ever dented... In fact even after 2 years of abuse my mum once said "Why are you building a new one? Nothing wrong with the one you've got!"

Just sounds paranoid to me...

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Will the parents inspect the bike frequently?

I doubt my parents would have noticed if my bike was ever dented... In fact even after 2 years of abuse my mum once said "Why are you building a new one? Nothing wrong with the one you've got!"

Too true. They only know what you tell them unless they're into bikes ofcourse. Don't educate them on damages! My parents seem to only notice differences if they're colour or wheelsize differences. I don't even know if they realised i ran no brakes for years when i was younger.

My friend used to clamp a lever on the bar before he left for home because his dad didn't want him riding no brakes. I'm not sure how well that actually worked out each time though :giggle:

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