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Mental Health Issues.

Dave Anscombe

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If i were you I'd get some prescripted cannabis, as some of the stuff put in weed today can be proper bad, and as you said, you and your family think it could be caused by crappy drugs or whatever? worth a try i guess (Y) but weed is absoloutly harmless :')

i pick my own buds of my friends plants.......he is a 55 year old hippy who does not mess around

anyway less about drugs !

drugs are just bad mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm K

Edited by Dave Anscombe
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Weeds the worst thing you can be doing. I have a brother who has Bipolar, very few friends and pretty much sits in his room all day apart from the odd day hes goes to college due to low self esteem and confidence. Hes been doing it for about 4 years, its hooked him in, cant stop.

Edited by Si-man
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Weeds the worst thing you can be doing. I have a brother who has Bipolar, very few friends and pretty much sits in his room all day apart from the odd day hes goes to college due to low self esteem and confidence. Hes been doing it for about 4 years, its hooked him in, cant stop.

that sounds just like me to be honest

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Dave you say the voices etc get worse when your off the weed, how long have you stayed off it for??

Ive got a mate who suffered from weed psychosis, and would just flip out, and glass people for no apparent reason (amongst other things), once youve started given up, have you tried sticking with it for a couple of weeks(im talking if you cant handle life in them 2 weeks,dont have a life in them 2 weeks, stick yourself in your room, dont leave unless you have to kinda crap, not stop blazing on a monday morning, then go do regular crap, and end up lighting up at 6pm cos stuff gets too heavy for you) and see if it actually gets better. because most people can come back from stuff like that if it was caused by drugs. you might have to stop smoking weed, but thats a small price to pay for having a regular-ish life.

also, do you not think your feeding your own problems slightly, you say the voices in your head are benji, youve personified them, and acknowledged them and the fact they are real, like youve got a mischevious mate in the corner egging you on. Surely if you can convince yourself, whilst your in the correct frame of mind, that this stuff isnt real, its ridiculous, its not actually someone, and its nonsense, there is infact no one talking to you, that if/when you do hear voices again, you can control how you handle them.

got a mate who regularly takes acid, similar thing with him, he convinces himself that whatever happens whilst on acid isnt real, isnt going to result in bad sh*t, etc, and he doesnt really get bad trips, or if he does, he isnt phased by them, so they just kind of stop where they are, and dont get any worse(hes still tripping, but at a similar level/mood to what he was originally, as opposed to when you trip, and you get scared because of bad stuff happening, and this only makes the trip worse).

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ive stayed off weed for months........ i cant control thing properly when im off weed ....not long ago i had a scrap with to fellas and bit ones ear clean off! it scares me and my family when im like that .

ive also walked down roads punching cars and that is sooooooooooooooooooo not me.

i know benji is not real i always tell my self that ! but i see him and hear him.....

talking to god helps me soooooooo much ..

see now your the kind of person who is nice to talk to ....:)

thank you for taking the time to talk to me

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Cheers JD and don't worry I have little motivation for debate at the moment.

Umm, this is where we disagree again but I don't personally hold kids to be the most important thing. I'm not going to go into and explanation of my values though. I guess in the sense that as a parent you obviously influence the direction of your children's well being would be a very important motivator. I think it's possible, even with children, that I could still end up on codeine. Unfortunately my depression hits me rapidly and deeply and I lose perspective very easily. I have trouble managing my money as well amongst other things. If I reach a time when I'm thinking about kids and I'm still like this then I won't have them. The same goes for a relationship with a female. I'm just going to avoid them in this state of flux so nobody has to endure or be harmed by short comings. I shall work on my pro hermitage skills instead :P

I have a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I guess it doesn't matter to say as I normally end up telling everyone when I’m unwell...

Good job mate with the honesty (Y)

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Dave, it's worth remembering that drugs don't have to be all doom and gloom bringing horrible amounts of negativity - it's just that when not controlled they can take over your life as you (and I) have found out. People have been using drugs for thousands of years and many amazing things have come from their influence; spiritual heights, great works of art and a lot of music.

Drugs can be used as tools by the strong minded - to take you places you'd never otherwise go, to allow insights you'd never otherwise have, or to see things you'd never otherwise see. If you're using weed occasionally and find that it actually improves your mood (rather than sedating it) try using and remembering the positives that you feel to bring them into your everyday life - negating the actual need or dependency on the drug itself. If you go back to it once in a while, you can adopt the mindset that you're using it as a tool to help remind yourself of the positives when you're not stoned and to bring a stronger mindset in overcoming any challenges that'll face you in life.

I think the point Fish-Fingers made is an important one, reinforcing the beliefs that the voices aren't real is an important thing to remember in gaining your own strength of mind. If you can catch yourself having negative thoughts or violent emotions or strange voices, you can begin to develop beliefs that they're not you before you allow them to take over you. Your mind is a tool which you have the power to utilise.

Good luck. You are able to overcome your addictions and grow and learn from these times.

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I think people on TF should stop trying to play the role of cognitive behavioural therapist when they know nothing of the disease and its treatment. Telling people with schizophrenia to "snap out of it" would be laughable if it wasn't such a serious subject.

All I will say is - Dave, I hope you find a good way to deal with your illness.

i know benji is not real i always tell my self that ! but i see him and hear him.....

What sort of things do you see?

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This ones for mike.

i used weed and shrooms to open up my mind unfortunatly ive abbused this for years and now i see and hear things i dont want to...

and for the other bloke

benji usually walks round my room swearing and telling me im usless and worthless ect ect and getting in my face...

Today has been a pretty up and down day ........went out for a ride early this morn everything was fine.......

next thing i know my brothers pinned me down telling me to stop :S

he then took me to my room or whats left of it.......

and said

i found you beating up your walls and door.

from what i remember benji did say if you can catch me il go away .

so now i have two ballons for fists and i need stitches on my hands

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Do you actually see and hear this benji fellow?

So your eyes register seeing him, and when he speaks you feel it coming through your ears?

Sometimes, very rarely, I hear someone's voice I know say my name.... only happens when I'm about to go to sleep. I'd say it was my memory digging things up. When it happens to me like that, I can always tell it came through my brain and not my ears.

The point being, if it starts in your brain you can control it.

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Do you actually see and hear this benji fellow?

So your eyes register seeing him, and when he speaks you feel it coming through your ears?

Sometimes, very rarely, I hear someone's voice I know say my name.... only happens when I'm about to go to sleep. I'd say it was my memory digging things up. When it happens to me like that, I can always tell it came through my brain and not my ears.

The point being, if it starts in your brain you can control it.

yes i actually see and hear him i see with my eyes as if he is actually real.......and when he talks i get goose bumps

but i know he is not real because no one else sees him



Pleas dont make fun of me

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yeah because its helarious .oh my god yeah i see what you mean its soooooooooooooooooo funny im in stitches

This may not be something you like to hear but if you can manage to produce some amusement toward your situation this can often defuse a bit of the negative feeling about it. I know your circumstances are more extreme than my own, so I say this with some reservation, but I've found being able to sometimes laugh about my shortfalls, depression, addiction, etc. can be helpful. It doesn't mean you're not recognising how serious it is; only that you're just releasing some of its pressure through laughter, amusement, etc. Sometimes we can be too serious to the extent that it doesn't do us much good.

It's certainly not an easy habit to get going but please bear it in mind. I think it's useful. I respect the fact that this might not be possible for you though at this point in time.

Anyway I wanted to add my respect for your being honest in a public place about all this especially because it's such a stigmatized and misunderstood condition. All the best to you and you're recovery though. I think there's always a path to something better; we just have to find it. (Y)

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benji usually walks round my room swearing and telling me im usless and worthless ect ect and getting in my face...

from what i remember benji did say if you can catch me il go away .

yes i actually see and hear him i see with my eyes as if he is actually real.......and when he talks i get goose bumps

but i know he is not real because no one else sees him

It really doesn't sound like you're all that sure that it's not real. I strongly agree with whoever it was that said it's a bad idea to personify the problem. By giving it a name, a personality and believing anything it says it can only be strengthening the problem. I'm clearly no expert in this but it seems reasonable that to believe in things that are not there is to accept it as existing. I'm sure it's not as easy as that but it'd got to be a start. And stop doing 'shrooms and smoking weed maybe...

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if you were to read stuff instead of taking the piss dave you would have found out ive stoped shrooms and weed .

That's not how I read it- I thought you were still smoking to take the edge off things and try to 'control yourself'. I thought that last post was actually fairly constructive... Meh.

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This may come across as harsh, but this thread is a bad idea.

You need to seek proper medical attention, not post on a forum where 90% of folk are naive to your condition. I fit in to that category - I'm one of those "snap out of it" people, because I don't understand the condition. You're not going to get sympathy from everyone, because there's a lot of people like me, or a lot of 13 year olds on here that will simply take the piss because they're bored. Then there's people that post funny pictures, not as a dig at you, but you take it that way.

If you're a little unstable, a thread like this I would imagine won't help you.

That's advice by the way, not a dig - I honestly hope you get better soon, you seem to be on the right track, giving up drugs 'n' stuff.

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This may not be something you like to hear but if you can manage to produce some amusement toward your situation this can often defuse a bit of the negative feeling about it. I know your circumstances are more extreme than my own, so I say this with some reservation, but I've found being able to sometimes laugh about my shortfalls, depression, addiction, etc. can be helpful. It doesn't mean you're not recognising how serious it is; only that you're just releasing some of its pressure through laughter, amusement, etc. Sometimes we can be too serious to the extent that it doesn't do us much good.

On point (Y)

Again Dave I'm sayingsorry, don't know what else you want and sarky bullshit's never gonna help you're situation.

Shit happens in all our lives, I've learnt to laugh about bad shit that happens in my life (which pales in comparison I'm never testing that) and it's generally just my policy. I understand it may not be everyone's, which is why I apologised.

Edited by Max Quinn
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This may come across as harsh, but this thread is a bad idea.

You need to seek proper medical attention, not post on a forum where 90% of folk are naive to your condition. I fit in to that category - I'm one of those "snap out of it" people, because I don't understand the condition. You're not going to get sympathy from everyone, because there's a lot of people like me, or a lot of 13 year olds on here that will simply take the piss because they're bored. Then there's people that post funny pictures, not as a dig at you, but you take it that way.

If you're a little unstable, a thread like this I would imagine won't help you.

That's advice by the way, not a dig - I honestly hope you get better soon, you seem to be on the right track, giving up drugs 'n' stuff.

i do seek proper medical attention

waterford house mental health team :)

ive never once asked for sympathy this topic was meant as a disscision :)

it helps me because its my way of venting and letting people know who i no doubt will see on a regular basis :)

i think its only fair you lot know about it

That's not how I read it- I thought you were still smoking to take the edge off things and try to 'control yourself'. I thought that last post was actually fairly constructive... Meh.

you obviously dont read to well

On point (Y)

Again Dave I'm sayingsorry, don't know what else you want and sarky bullshit's never gonna help you're situation.

Shit happens in all our lives, I've learnt to laugh about bad shit that happens in my life (which pales in comparison I'm never testing that) and it's generally just my policy. I understand it may not be everyone's, which is why I apologised.

dude dont worry about it :)

i understand that most of you dont understand fully

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Sometimes, very rarely, I hear someone's voice I know say my name.... only happens when I'm about to go to sleep. I'd say it was my memory digging things up. When it happens to me like that, I can always tell it came through my brain and not my ears.

I alwaaaays knew you were a wrong'un.

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you obviously dont read to well


for example.....about 30 mins ago benji poped up and started getting up in my face telling me im uless and worthless ........so i tried to ignoar him and rollded a doobie ......after it had kicked in benji went

thats why i use weed as my number one drug.......shrooms just make me realise how beautiful the world really is

I can read just fine mate.

This isn't helping anyone though, I stand by my comments that naming your delusions (for want of a better/correct word) and accepting them is not healthy.

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