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Mental Health Issues.

Dave Anscombe

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Dave - not picking you apart here (although being a paranoid guy, you'll probably take it that way...), but your usual day seems to be lacking a certain something. Get a job, having some structure to your day in the form of something you actually have to concentrate on (and preferably enjoy) should help you suppress some of the other thoughts. If I've got that wrong and you were just describing a day off then cool, and sorry.

Ultimately I think what people are getting at is that you have a child - whether you provide everything she needs and love and attention, you're still also providing her with something she doesn't need: very early impressions of a depressed, drug taking (however 'low class') father. I don't have a kid, so I'm not going to preach to you but I'm sure that when I'm a dad I won't want to be giving any negative impressions to my kids so early on. Best start kicking this alcohol dependancy then...

Ben - I can empathise with the Codeine dependancy, I came very close myself after my facial reconstruction - luckily for me I was aware of the dangers having been a dispenser in a pharmacy for a while as well as knowing full well that I have an addictive personality.

One thing to bear in mind, and I say this without really wanting another debate, is to perhaps ask yourself whether you could kick it if you had kids to see whether you still think Dave is trying hard enough? I'm of the opinion that kids are the most important thing to any human (that's part of my theory on the meaning of life too, but that's not for here) and should give you the strength to do absolutely anything physically possible by a human being.

Good luck to you both though (Y)

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thanks to the people who have tried to understand though :D

I think people do try to 'understand', but the way you come across influences that a lot too. I get where Ben's coming from because he explains things really well, but from this post it just sort of seems weird in so much as you're talking about how you feel drugs are to blame for things, but then go on about how gutted you are you've run out of mushrooms, and then about how you have 'a few spliffs' every night. It just made it seem like you were doing the mushrooms and shit more because you wanted to rather than because you felt you had to because of an illness of some sort. Plus the rest of the stuff you've been writing just seems to have a lot of unanswered questions in some ways. Could be why people aren't really sympthasing as much...

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i understand where your comming from

but i find it hard to explain things

il try to explain thigs further

i use drugs as an escape from the harsh reality that i live.

in the last 7 weeks i have thrown a fair amount of drugs down the toilet because i tell my self this is not a life to live......

i could give up drugs instantly if i was not unwell ....but because of my illnesses i feel that i need them..

for example.....about 30 mins ago benji poped up and started getting up in my face telling me im uless and worthless ........so i tried to ignoar him and rollded a doobie ......after it had kicked in benji went

thats why i use weed as my number one drug.......shrooms just make me realise how beautiful the world really is

does any of that make any sence to anyone

Edited by Dave Anscombe
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i could give up drugs instantly if i was not unwell ....but because of my illnesses i feel that i need them..

That sentence interests me. It doesn't so much explain your problem, but answers it.

Could the 'perception' of being unwell rather than the reality of potential normality be a reason.....maybe even an excuse as to why you haven't stopped?

You believe you can give them up, yet you believe also that you're unwell..... If you believed you were indeed well, could you then believe that the drugs were unnecessary?

What i mean is, your illness is completely mental based so could a stronger mind help move things in the right direction. By attempting to be more of a master of your own mind (which we all inherently are) could you find it easier to overcome your issues?

Your mind is you and you are controlling it whether subconsciously or not - could an attempt to move to a more conscious realm helkp at all?

Edited by Matthew62
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Have you ever tried holding out and going through (what basically sounds similar ot the cold turkey process) it with an attempt to maybe reach the other side achieving clarity on your own?

How do you know that mental well-being does't lie just beyond the point where you have given up.

Hell, I'm not going to preach to you about drugs - but hell anyone would be an idiot to not acknowledge the mental drawbacks of them - so if you are relying on them then surely you are only worsening your wellbeing as your searching for short term solutions?

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No way, weed is completely harmless


format Brain /q

Bollox, I got a mate like Dave that only smoked weed, his head is f**ked, and most of my mates that are heavy manjaghana smokers heads are f**ked, not all of them admittedly but most.

Edit: My head was/is also f**ked and I blame it on spending most of my spare time when I was younger bonging.

Edited by Matt Vandart
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all i do now is smoke weed :) few spliffs a night just to send me off to noddy land..........

If i were you I'd get some prescripted cannabis, as some of the stuff put in weed today can be proper bad, and as you said, you and your family think it could be caused by crappy drugs or whatever? worth a try i guess (Y) but weed is absoloutly harmless :')

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