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Electronic Music Peoples Helpme Please!

Matt Vandart

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Up for a really hard challenge?

I have a tune in my head from about the mid to late 90's.

It's a sorta trance acidy house track.

It is well known.

It is in the last scene from a movie around the time which I vaguely remember being about raves or drugs or somit.

It is an EPIC tune but I cant remember what it is called.

It is in my head but not quite right, this means I MUST find it to listen too in order to get it out of my head again.

Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No lyrics at all, which is about the only point I can think about it that may help.

It's a proper well known tune.

Its pretty euphoric, it has a loop going up and down.

Its from around the time of 'the age of love' but may be a bit later


The movie may be 'Groove' and it may be not the last scene.


I'm pretty sure its not human trafic.

May not be groove I am pretty sure it is a british moovie

Edited by Matt Vandart
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EDIT: Im loving this thread!

Nope but (Y)

Can't have one of these threads without some Orbital. Especially an Orbital track that sounds like it fits the bill


As embarrassing as it sounds, what about recording you humming or whistling it, or what you know of it.

No chance at all If I could then my mate would have got it by now, its just going round and round in my head but I cant get it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to keep this thread going as long as possible. Some absolutely epic tunes in here.

I can't help, but judging by the songs posted in here this is my candidate. Not 100% sure if it's still the 90's though.

Negative but (Y)

I have watched Human traffic it sdeffo not on there

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This beepy beepy bit at the beginning is similar but it loops round and round going up and down if you get me.


Tempo is similar to this, more 'euphoric' really intense mid-end, looping, looping,looping arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

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