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Best Editing Software?


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Hey, just wondered what everyone uses to edit and what they prefer to other software and why?

I use Sony Vegas Pro 9.0, the only programs ive only used are Windows Movie Makers, IMovie (Not sure what year it was, im aware though newer version is better), Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0. I prefer Sony Vegas Pro 9.0, mainly because ive used it the most and i know where everything is. I prefer it over Final Cut Pro, i might be wrong but FInal Cut seems to have alot of useless buttons needed to be clicked to do something. If that makes sense?

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I used final cut in media at school, and i quite like it. Just thought it had some good features and simple to use.

I think that Imovie and Windows movie maker and a bit basic.

Not used Sony Vegas.

Edited by Tom Canham
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Thought i'd ask this on here. My windows movie maker lags when i'm editing HD footage, is that just because my computer can't handle it or is it because WMM is bad with editing HD or a mixture of both?

Any recommendations of a good editor for HD footage if your computer isn't that great for editing 720p? ta

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Its most likely WMM, i was talking to a friend who tried editing HD on WMM and he said it just could hack it. If you want to take the risks, you could Keygen something like Sony Vegas Platinum 9.0, which is good and not too complicated. It should be able to take the HD and not lag and theres some pretty good stuff on there too. Just take a look on youtube like "Getting Sony Vegas Platinum 9.0 For Free" Im sure you will find something. Or you could pay £60 for it, or like £200 for Vegas Pro 9.0. Noone wants to do that though....

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Its most likely WMM, i was talking to a friend who tried editing HD on WMM and he said it just could hack it. If you want to take the risks, you could Keygen something like Sony Vegas Platinum 9.0, which is good and not too complicated. It should be able to take the HD and not lag and theres some pretty good stuff on there too. Just take a look on youtube like "Getting Sony Vegas Platinum 9.0 For Free" Im sure you will find something. Or you could pay £60 for it, or like £200 for Vegas Pro 9.0. Noone wants to do that though....

If you are going to keygen, be very careful.

I used one the other day and im never going to use one again.

I opened it and it disappeared and windows just kept crashing every 10 or so minutes. So for me it was a complete re install of windows. Which was sort of did good for my computer.

So i would advise against using keygens.

Edited by Tom Canham
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Sorry to bring back an old topic, but I was wondering what format of video people use in sony vegas?

I have pro 9.0 and I have tried using MP4's and MOV's but both appear as blackness when I import it, anyone know any ways around this? Do I need to download a codec or something?

If not, what common HD formats does it take? Any help would be great,

Cheers (Y)

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Final Cut Pro.

I always personally worked with Vegas and in college on FCP and found Vegas easier to work with, but this was only my ignorance of not wanting to pick up FCP also.

FCP makes much more sense and works very very well and effective, it is more logical than Vegas, and is ultimately used a lot more in the industry than any other editing software, so it is very good to get used to as soon as possible.

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