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Anyone Any Good With Car Engines?


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Hi all,

Ive had my head gasket in my clio replaced fairly recently (last 6 months) and all seams to be fine. Although now i seam to be having a few issues. There is a shitload of white gunk on the oil filler cap (water in otherwords), and the coolent level seams to drop. Adding to this when i start it from cold it is really lumpy firing. I had this isue last time and turned out to be water in the cylenders (head gasket failure). However, my coolent level droping could also be the water pump gasket, where i know it has a small leak (can see red crystals on the engine cases), and there is no water in the oil when i check the dipstick. And also the car is not down on power. Once warm it runs like a dream.

So really there are factors that tell me the head gasket has gone again. Yet there are others that would say it hasnt.

Can anyone mechanical minded please help shed some light on this subject?

cheers max

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Did you have the head skimmed when the gasket was done...? If not then you may aswell not have bothered changing it.

Was the coolant flushed and oil changed after the first time? Could be the same old crap recirculating?

How quick does the coolant drop? If it's at any kind of rapid rate then it should be pretty obvious if it's leaking from somewhere...

Go and get a sniffer test or compression test done if you want it confirming but it doesn't sound good for your head gasket again!

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cheers for the reply. Head was definatly skimmed, coolent flushed and oil replaced (twice now). The coolent level will drop from just over the maximum to just below the minimum in about a fought night. The oil level remains pretty consistant. One theory that it is a blocked crank case breather forming condensation in the oil but im not too sure. There is definatly a small seep on the water pump gasket so might change that and give it a bash.

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