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I've Had A Revamp...


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So my extremely old Echo ES4 was getting extremely tatty, as per this:

So I set up a little 'booth' in my shed, and took a load of peoples advice on how to combat the cold:


Hung bits in doorways during the week to annoy Leanne:


Started building again:


Ended up with this:





It's not a great job, and I've still gotta buy some more paint for the rear rim, cranks and maybe some other bits and bobs. Overall though, it kind of feels like I've got a whole new bike, even thought most of the bits are 5 years old (Y)

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I like it, Old school with nice fresh colour.

Thanks :) It's a colour I use a lot (hence avatar and entire business stationary) so it made sense to use it here too..

I really like that!

Are you painting the rear rim white to match the front?

Yea, the plan is that the rear rim, cranks, brake clamps and rear QR will go white. The front QR will go orange when I get a metal one rather than the plastic on there at the moment. I was thinking about making the HS33s orange too, but don't know if that'd be too much and/or too much hassle.

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Mark, there's a bit in the brakeless tour vid you did that I really wanna ride. I know the sections in the vid around it are in London so assume it's there - the one with the slope up to vertical walls? My plan for riding London each time is to try and ride somewhere new, would be great for you to show some spots (Y)

Saturday would be better for me, I like to keep the traditional 'lay in bed and do sweet fa' Sunday routine as often as possible!

Looks fresh dude, nice work! I reckon just the rear rim would finish it off nicely, spraying a tidy set of 'burns is just plain rude... :P

They aren't really all that fresh, and I just wanted to get rid of all traces of bare metal (except the spokes for now....). Then again, the earlier point about them getting f**ked up uber quick is a good one. Probably gonna do the rear rim tomorrow now because it'd be a shame not to get it 'finished' before I start wrecking it...

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Ta-daaaa. In all honesty, there's not a hell of a lot to do there for the street inclined, but there are tonnes of spots in that rough area so it's no biggie.

I'm currently weighing up options (either Bristol or London mainly), but the weather's showing heavy rain for Sat and Sun so I'm not keeping my hopes up. I need to film Joel though so if the weather's good I might try and make it down. Long drive is long.

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Ta-daaaa. In all honesty, there's not a hell of a lot to do there for the street inclined, but there are tonnes of spots in that rough area so it's no biggie.

I'm currently weighing up options (either Bristol or London mainly), but the weather's showing heavy rain for Sat and Sun so I'm not keeping my hopes up. I need to film Joel though so if the weather's good I might try and make it down. Long drive is long.

Cheers (Y)

We've got a few days for the weather to become more accurate - hopefully it'll be all good.

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Yeah, past experience has generally led me to believe that any weekend predictions between Monday and Wednesday are buuuuull shit, but you never know, they might actually be earning their salaries legitimately now :rolleyes:

Bonus info: If you go from A to B on this map, A is the estate you want to ride and B is a covered over skate plaza with a laughably easy fence to climb over. Ledges, blocks, flatbanks, pigeon shit, etc.

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If the sun is out (or it's just not raining) see you gentlemen wherever you end up.

Yea, I don't care if the surfaces are wet, would just prefer not to be in the rain. Lets all get in touch on Friday and see how it's looking. I'll see whether Matt is up for it too - should be!

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Oh i am!

Good to know, my knee has now gone through the swelling phase from last Saturday so should be ready for another battering in time!

actually that looks far better than most of the new frames out there at the mo

I m so in love with what u did here

well done (Y)

Cheers. I always knew I'd like it, but it's good to know other people think it's good too.

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