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Tv License People


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Heres the story. I don't have a TV license because I dont have a TV or watch TV. Im living on my own in my flat and I work 8 - 6:30 ish.

After the series of threatening letters from the TV license people, they sent a recent one saying 'be prepared for this investigation to lead to court' (I hadn't replied to any of the previous ones, as I hoped they'd go away. If I had said I didn't need a TV license way back when it started, then they wouldn't have believed me) Ive now replied and sent an E-mail explaining that unless they turn up on a saturday or sunday that I am in the flat (which is unlikely but anyway) they have no chance of being able to come in and find no TV. I got a reply basically saying if no one is in they will try again. This makes my spidey sense tingle....

So they'll turn up, I won't be there, and I'll get another threatening letter saying that they werent allowed in. They may try a few times, but then I know things will get serious again. My question is what happens after they are unable to gain access. I literally have nothing against them searching my flat, I have nothing to hide! But I can't even prove my innocence and I know they'll assume Im watching TV without a license.

Has anyway been in this situation before? Anyone have any ideas? The only neighbours I have own the shop below my flat and I may end up having to ask them to let them in, but as it could be anytime at all I can't keep handing them my key every morning just incase they turn up!

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Sounds nasty! do you have a mobile phone are you on the INTERNET? if so you need a TV license! anything that can play video or sound means you need a license! i am the same as you no TV etc but still have to pay. the only people that don't are blind or over 70. i would just pay up!

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do you have a mobile phone are you on the INTERNET? if so you need a TV license! anything that can play video or sound means you need a license!

That's completely and utterly wrong. Massive bullshit advice.

Partz - If you're not watching/recording live TV then ignore them. If they're really set on checking you out they'll send someone round to make sure before it goes anywhere near a court. Chances of them even bothering to do that are relatively slim though!

If you still want to know more: http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/

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They sent me a letter along the lines of "OH NO YOU DI'IN'T", and said that they were going to take me to court and stuff. I called them up and said "I don't have a TV", they said "We'll send someone round and see about that." They never did. They rarely do, mainly 'cos if they went around to all the places where people said they didn't have TVs, they'd be wasting a lot of time...

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yea, and also on the whole innocent til proven guilty thing(unless your joannna yeates landlord and the tabloid papers are the jury) the tv license people have no powers. Ive been in student houses with no tv licenses(staying with mates), and tv's, and after hundred of letters, they did finally pay a visit, but they had no powers, if you dont let them in, they cant force entry. technically they could apply to the courts for a warrant, but theres so many people, they dont have the man power to visit each house, let alone apply for warrants, so eventually they just gave up, as its easier to chase people like findus, who will pay up when they dont need to, then take a chance paying money for a solicitor to file for a warrant, force entry to a house, to prove there is a tv there to fine them a relatively small amount of money.

90% of what they do is scare tactics, they will make an example out of the odd person, just to help with the scare tactics further, but generally even if you have got a tv, they cant actually do anything about it, without you admitting something, or letting them in your house.

as Luke says, id personally ignore them, youve informed them of your stance, and if someone does turn up, they can have a look.

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anything that can play video or sound means you need a license!

Thats not correct. You dont need a TV license to watch previously shown programmes. If you have a PC, you are legally allowed to watch ITV Player, BBC iPlayer etc without a TV license. You are not allowed to watch TV live (not a repeat). Also the TV license people cant do shit unless you are caught watching the TV. Even if you have a TV, connected to freesat, they cant do anything unless they actually see you watching the TV with the TV on. TVs arent just for watching "TV", you can use them as PC monitors, use them for games consoles etc, and you dont need a TV license for those. Seriously just send a letter to them saying what time you will be in, and if they dont come round in those times, then its not your fault they cant be assed to come see you when your in.

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That's completely and utterly wrong. Massive bullshit advice.

Partz - If you're not watching/recording live TV then ignore them. If they're really set on checking you out they'll send someone round to make sure before it goes anywhere near a court. Chances of them even bothering to do that are relatively slim though!

If you still want to know more: http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/

Thats just my experience! and looking at the other comments it seems there is a lack of understanding on how the tv license works. its not very clear at all (N)

read this link, i know its old but it wont have changed


Edited by FINDUS
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OK guys cheers Ill ignore them for now!

Do you technically have to have a licence to watch the iplayer?

My understanding was no beacuse its not LIVE broadcast TV. If you stream say a football match live, then you do, but iPlayer is all recorded stuff so you don't. Feel free for someone to correct me though...

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Thats just my experience! and looking at the other comments it seems there is a lack of understanding on how the tv license works. its not very clear at all (N)

read this link, i know its old but it wont have changed


The link that says you're wrong? :P

A spokesman for TV Licensing said: 'If you are watching live TV on a mobile phone or laptop, you do need to be covered by a valid licence. If a customer currently has no licence they will need to obtain one to watch live programmes on their PC.

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=406915&in_page_id=2#ixzz1AgL3z7VM

Is not the same as having a video playing phone or iplayer. you have to be watching a channel as it is being aired. Watching last weeks Qi on iplayer is fine and DOES NOT require a license, even on your phone.

They have no powers at all, don't let them in. Ring them, tell them you don't need one and if they knock on your door tell them you won't let them in. Even if they apply for a warrant you can make the tv licensing people wait outside while the police come in and check (which REALLY pisses them off :lol:). They have no "detectors" in the vans as the amount of signal strength from a tuned tv dissipates after a short distance, even more so with other electronic equipment in the house and it's even harder to detect now with current low level freeview receivers. Signal dissipation is less than a couple of feet. Because they have no equipment a court case will not lead to a prosecution because the courts have declared that in order to prosecute the tv licensing must detail the way their "monitoring system" works. As they don't have one they can't and so all they have to go on is a confession or admission of guilt. As far as i'm aware no successful ruling has gone through because of the ruling by the magistrates. There are pictures on the net of the depots with all the empty vans. It's all scare tactics.

They have as much right to enter your home as a door to door salesman.

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Thats not correct. You dont need a TV license to watch previously shown programmes. If you have a PC, you are legally allowed to watch ITV Player, BBC iPlayer etc without a TV license. You are not allowed to watch TV live (not a repeat). Also the TV license people cant do shit unless you are caught watching the TV. Even if you have a TV, connected to freesat, they cant do anything unless they actually see you watching the TV with the TV on. TVs arent just for watching "TV", you can use them as PC monitors, use them for games consoles etc, and you dont need a TV license for those. Seriously just send a letter to them saying what time you will be in, and if they dont come round in those times, then its not your fault they cant be assed to come see you when your in.

You don't have to be caught watching a TV, if you have a TV and they also find evidence of receiving equipment then you are in breach of the law. It may in fact be the case that they only need to find the receiving equipment (this includes any aerial) although I'm too lazy to double check that.

Before someone mentions it...no they don't have a special 'van' which detects when your watching tv.

I've heard (i.e. have no evidence to prove so) that they have equipment which can detect aerials specifically for TV signals due to their wavelength operating range, and that's how they can find if people in unlicensed addresses could be watching TV.

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I did, it just surprised me that you guys have too, we dont and I hadnt heard of it

It's because the channels that aren't the BBC are subsidised by advertising.

Only the BBC doesn't have advertising on it for third-party products, so it's funded by the license fee.

There was in fact a case some years ago where a woman successfully claimed she only watched ITV or one of the other channels for one program, and that was her TV viewing done; she watched nothing else at all. She successfully avoided paying the license fee! (To the best of my knowledge, that's how I remember it anyway.)

Also, if you head to http://bbc.co.uk/ do you see ads?

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You don't have to be caught watching a TV, if you have a TV and they also find evidence of receiving equipment then you are in breach of the law. It may in fact be the case that they only need to find the receiving equipment (this includes any aerial) although I'm too lazy to double check that.

Wrong. That isn't true at all. Having a tv and only playing xbox on it would require a license by your logic. The case is that they need to catch you watching it or pressure you into admitting that you've watched it.

I've heard (i.e. have no evidence to prove so) that they have equipment which can detect aerials specifically for TV signals due to their wavelength operating range, and that's how they can find if people in unlicensed addresses could be watching TV.

It is possible to detect what frequency your receiver equipment is locked onto however in practice the emitted field is so weak it's hard to successfully use the equipment in the same room, let alone from outside the house. Your equipment doesn't broadcast anything, it merely receives, and the power required for that is barely anything. You can even buy "signal jammers" or build your own using a 9volt battery and some small components and it will genuinely work. Having said that though having a computer in the same room will work too ;)

There was in fact a case some years ago where a woman successfully claimed she only watched ITV or one of the other channels for one program, and that was her TV viewing done; she watched nothing else at all. She successfully avoided paying the license fee! (To the best of my knowledge, that's how I remember it anyway.)

Well the other stations hire out the bbc broadcasting stations and the tv license goes, in part, towards keeping those running. I doubt very much that she won the case after admitting to watching tv, regardless of the station. If that had happened it would set a valid court decision benchmark for future cases whereby people watch everything except the bbc and so shouldn't pay as it's basically the same principle.

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