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Julius Czar

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also i can kind of see facebook chat taking over sms, the way my phone syncs with fb, means i can straight away see whos online, and fb chat is just like sms messaging only quicker, free, and not held by character limits, can post links etc, its got to the point where a couple of friends seem to be talkin to me more on fb chat on my phone, than by text, as more and more phones get this facility, i can only see it being more common.

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It's not that I purposely look at peoples status' and let it annoy me, it's just things I see when I go on there to organise a ride say, or like some of you have said, chat to family members and friends I rarely see anymore, which is what I do, it's just all the little things I see that annoy me, and people with blackberries constantly scouring through the news feed to like something someone said or join one of those idiotic group pages, there's just a lot of things on Facebook that ruin the good bits.

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Well, that's what I'm trying to get across, seeing how different people use it, and if they think it's a good idea or not, yes I'm slating it because that's the way I see Facebook, and I'm not for it at all, all the friends I can say are truly my friends, are the ones I havent met online, and I've never gone on to meet someone in real life after adding them on fb, but maybe you have, and I'm not telling you that you shouldn't use it, and I'm sure it has it's positives, but I just don't see them, and don't use it for that reason.

Yer I hate those f**kin forum things too, what's the point? :ermm:

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I don't understand how people can get so addicted to it? I go on every other day for about 5 mins just to see if anyone has done something interesting, sometimes I update my status, sometimes a friend will chat to me, but for the most it's pretty boring. Perhaps it's just that I am not the most social person in the world.


I tend to click on it and then close the tab in about 5 seconds, to see if anything new and worth commenting on is there.

As for apps and shit that clogs up your page, I have a rather long 'hide posts by...' list. And I'm (sort of) grateful for anyone who invites me to a bullshit application because then I can block it and I won't get any more :)

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handy for when sorting out a house party and you don't want to text everyone. keep in touch with my brother who's at Uni.

But there a bad side to everything. Being tagged on pics from a night out, you look at them and think "oh god". If you are "with" a chick they can add you, or email you about meeting up etc, but you can ignore them.

I did get to know a chick, which later became my girlfriend....

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I only ever use it to talk to people who don't have msn or people I haven't seen in ages, what does annoy me about it is the random status updates and pictures people upload, like girls putting this is me looking fat when they are obviously not and status updates like I just ate some chocolate I just start deleting friends who annoy me in this way :angry:

Edited by Milo123
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You don't have to post a profile picture of yourself.

You don't have to accept friend requests.

You don't have to posts status'

You can make it so only friends cans see what you write/ upload etc

From what i can tell the only people who complain about Facebook have no friends. The whole, it takes over your life argument doesn't work, if you add only your proper friends, you shouldn't get too many messages that piss you off. If they do, maybe you aren't compatible as friends. Also the whole, it takes away your social interaction is rubbish. Before facebook people would ring each other for extended periods of time, the only difference is, facebook is free. It makes organisng events with large mounts of people so much easier nd quicker than text, or( the way people against facebook appear to suggest is better) going to each individuals house. You only have to put on facebook what you feel comfortable putting on, if you don't put it on/ have strict privacy settings no one else will see it. Yes you get annoying people who constantly update their status, but if they annoy you, why are you friends?

The people who have 1000+ friends etc is no different from real life when people say, "so and so are my friends" about people they've met once.

Use it properly and it's ridiculously useful, if you don't, then its your fault.

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None of my friends annoy me in the real world, so there is no reason why they would annoy me on facebook. So I really can't relate to people who talk about annoying depressing status updates or whatever. Clearly if you're news feed is feel of that shit then you have lot's of randomers or friends of friends or whatever. If you don't then surely the issue is the company you keep rather than the medium they are using to express their views.

Facebook has been responsible for so many good times for me that I will say that facebook is a fantastic tool for bringing people together. I would never write a letter to someone and I rarely bother emailing people, but I keep in touch with people from all over the world that I have met at different times, the number of people I regularly catch up with and see what their up to, I would never have the time to email.

Facebook is brilliant if used correctly. It has it's place.

I think that most of the time people who bitch about it are just trying to be a little bit anti-establishment, people always like to hate mainstream shit, but usually this causes them to lose sight of the great aspects of a product or service.

One other thing to the original poster..

You have 521 friends on Facebook. Perhaps THAT is your problem.

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Couldn't be bothered to read all the replies but perhaps one of the problems is that some of your contacts are just childish? I don't get this at all to be honest, almost all the people on my friends list are people I know well or like so I'm actually interested in what they have to say. And since most are mature, they don't post crap or go onto facebook in order to cry to the world. Just choose your "friends" more wisely and the problem should go away.

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