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Julius Czar

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Why is it such a need? Such a necessity? We act like this is some new fangled form of showing our individuality by playing "who can make the most kewl status and have the most "Indy- like" photography profile picture. It makes the simplest of plans too complicated to even apprehend, the world of online predators are loving it because with the click of a button they can get off on some p3ng girls photos, and abolishes all sense of personal privacy, with easy access to peoples personal details, and somehow we still treat it as this uber kewl site that everyone can use to do some rad shit on, and use some cheesy second hand metaphor to describe their current state of mind, or to tell the world how shit (albeit probably not shit) their life seems to be, so other people can ponder and otherwise like a somewhat unlikeable situation that isn't real, because the status writer, probably an aspiring poet has somehow managed to turn "my life is shit :/" into "words cannot describe the irrepressible amount of shit that is coming from my keyboard pressing fingers" it's just another one of those sites that the world could do without, but won't. Mark zuckerburg, genius or idiot? 

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To be fair. If you slide past the ultimate shit you are talking you see a website that brings me and my awesome friends together, we can discuss latest topics of interest, we can chat together, we can make new friends; the countless times i've added someone on facebook and got chatting with them and made a great relationship with them.

I don't understand the whole thing you are chatting about "kewl status" sure I get a lot of likes on some status' but that's not what brings me to Facebook, it's just witty humour that attracts positive feelings towards it,

I dont' really see the point of this thread,

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I for one rarely do, other than to talk to people if I cant contact them any other way, I just see all these people who use it as a way of showing the world how shite their life is, or what their doing at that exact moment in time, and it annoys me, and was seeing what other people think? Do they think it's good or not?

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Well, that's what I'm trying to get across, seeing how different people use it, and if they think it's a good idea or not, yes I'm slating it because that's the way I see Facebook, and I'm not for it at all, all the friends I can say are truly my friends, are the ones I havent met online, and I've never gone on to meet someone in real life after adding them on fb, but maybe you have, and I'm not telling you that you shouldn't use it, and I'm sure it has it's positives, but I just don't see them, and don't use it for that reason.

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I use it to keep up to date with current affairs and mates that I can't see that often anymore, my profile picture is always the worst I can find, I don't give a shit how many cool points I have and tend to ignore/delete the people who do.

Also with the click of a button I can get off on some p3ng girls photos.

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I for one rarely do, other than to talk to people if I cant contact them any other way, I just see all these people who use it as a way of showing the world how shite their life is, or what their doing at that exact moment in time, and it annoys me, and was seeing what other people think? Do they think it's good or not?

It's amusing, feeding the trolls on facebook is more fun than even on here!

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Why is it such a need? Such a necessity? We act like this is some new fangled form of showing our individuality by playing "who can make the most kewl status and have the most "Indy- like" photography profile picture. It makes the simplest of plans too complicated to even apprehend, the world of online predators are loving it because with the click of a button they can get off on some p3ng girls photos, and abolishes all sense of personal privacy, with easy access to peoples personal details, and somehow we still treat it as this uber kewl site that everyone can use to do some rad shit on, and use some cheesy second hand metaphor to describe their current state of mind, or to tell the world how shit (albeit probably not shit) their life seems to be, so other people can ponder and otherwise like a somewhat unlikeable situation that isn't real, because the status writer, probably an aspiring poet has somehow managed to turn "my life is shit :/" into "words cannot describe the irrepressible amount of shit that is coming from my keyboard pressing fingers" it's just another one of those sites that the world could do without, but won't. Mark zuckerburg, genius or idiot? 

whteva u jst dnt undastnd. fb is awsum nd sik nd mean 2 use all dae.

But actually its just another case of something with potential to be really good being turned into a pile of crap.

I purged my friends list a few months back. Went from 300+ friends to about 100 because I got sick of dumb poorly spelled status about their weekend drinking or what their mates said to them, and the constant song quote are so annoying!

I only use it for keeping in contact with relatives or mates who live too far away to visit frequently.

Facebook would have been good, but they let 14 year olds on.

P.S My mates little brother has "Liked" over 1200 pages!

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"im"feeling down" status's, yea they can f**k off.


I have a load of friends on it who are jsut puting these depressing status's.

This girl said : Everyone stop complaining about the snow, just get a life and be happy for once and stop doing complaining status's.

I replied: Maybe some people go out for lives but cant do that in the snow. A life isn't facebook.

Then an argument went on, then she says she isnt in the mood to talk. So tempted to go back on and say: Oh do you want someone to feel sorry for you? because your not in the mood? She said dont make complaining status's, thats all that status was.

Oops, too long. But yeah, thats the only bad thing about facebook. Except the amount of virus's you can get by playing the games.

Edited by Kieran Morrison
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Facebook's either full of girls whining about either boys or hangovers, people moaning about the new layout, or shitty generic rants like this.

I like to keep the idiots on my Facebook so I can just be a dick with everyone, whenever I feel like it, it's great.

Exactly what i do haha

Oh and i like to just post up shit to clog up peoples news feeds to be annoying haha

Edited by dirt jumper jake
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I don't understand how people can get so addicted to it? I go on every other day for about 5 mins just to see if anyone has done something interesting, sometimes I update my status, sometimes a friend will chat to me, but for the most it's pretty boring. Perhaps it's just that I am not the most social person in the world.

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It's not a necessity, no, just a tool.

Makes the simplest plans more complicated? It's never been easier to send a plan or event info to a thousand people at once!

If you don't want someone to see something, don't put it on the internet in the first place. That's always been a given - if it's online people can access it - if you're too stupid to realise that then you deserve everything that comes your way!

It's a great way to keep in touch with people in addition to picking up the phone. Simple and effective. Job done. I've got family all over the world so calling isn't particularly ideal for anyone. Yeah, I could drop an email and that's previously what I've done, but with Facebook it's a whole heap less effort to see what they've been up to recently, check out their new pictures, see when they're next over here and stuff.

If you're that against it, don't use it. Why does it bother you so much?! :P

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I hate when the apps take over!

Person 1 is now playing Pool 2011, Click here to play too!

(Some pic)

Person 2 is now playing Pool 2011, Click here to play too!

(Some pic)

Person 3 is now playing Pool 2011, Click here to play too!

(Some pic)

Person 4 is now playing Pool 2011, Click here to play too!

(Some pic)

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I stopped using MSN because FB came along. It's like a forum for my friends. So i can either talk shit or let people know what's up. It's nice sharing pictures, whether they are to the public or not. It's your choice after all.

This! So much.

All my friends left MSN eventually, hell I remember having like 120 contacts online at once, I go on now and there's like 3 :/

Facebook is the future, i'm just jealous I didn't think of it, especially when u watch the social network.

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