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How To Setup Chain Tugs?


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My chain constantly has lousy tension no matter what I seem to do with the tugs.

From looking online some people seem to half tighten the axle nuts then screw in the tugs to create the tension then tighten the axle nuts. Others hold the wheel out to tension the chain then do the axle nuts up then rest the tugs against the dropout. I get the right tension to start with but I only need to ride for about a minute before the chain looses tension again. If it makes any difference im using these chain tugs.

So... what's the best way of doing it (without getting snail cams)?

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What hub are you using?

the way to do tugs is to have the nuts loose enough that you can easily move the wheel, use the tug to pull it back until it is almost at the tension you want and then fully bolt the hub. you will generally find the chain will have a bit more tension after you have done up the bolts.

so you know though tugs are not to stop the wheel from moving only to help you position it right in the first place

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