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Ben Rowlands 24" Another Mini Vid


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I find it hard to understand quite what it is that you're looking for that makes you unhappy with this. I loved it, it had just the right vibe for me.

I think you're being tough on yourself

Yeah, what does make you unhappy? The skill theyre is awesome!

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If this was anyone else I'd be shouting off about you been an attention seeking little child. As it is, I seriously believe you aren't happy with this, so I watched it with an overly critical hat on and still couldn't find enough to make this a disappointing vid - and I'm a critical arsehole. Ben, you are talented, roll with it!

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I was in one of my random negative moods last night otherwise I wouldn't have said that. Although, even now, I see much room for improvement. I know how I want my riding to be and I achieved it in some of those clips. But in others there's too much wobble, hopping about, etc. This is just my approach to riding and what makes sense to me. It sets the challenge that drives me to improve. Negative mindsets aside, I really enjoy riding in this way. Just ignore me when I whinge about it :P

I was also a little frustrated about the editing. I was using a trial version of sony vegas. Between that and my computer being too slow to handle the video clips that come from my camera I can't really do much in the way of editing. All I can do is 'jerkely' chops the clips down to remove excess moments. That tune had some good potential for dancing around with the riding. As it stands, that didn't happen :(

Anyway, thanks for the comments (Y)

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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I know where your coming from Ben but your attitude is obviously helping you progress and glad you keeping sharing your videos with us...personally I thought there was some awesome stuff in there that really inspired me. Keep it up!

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