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Need To Find A Playstation 3 Gamesharing Buddy!


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If you have a playstation 3 and like the games and DLC from the store at a fifth of the price (or dependent on how many people are up for it).

I'm only really after the Battlefield Bad company 2 Vietnam pack but can't justify spending £10 on it by myself.

If you don't know what gamesharing is read this.

I had a very succesful gamesharing group a few years ago, we must have saved £200 each easily.

If this is against any rules I do apologise :)


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I'm sure this is against the forum rules.

But anyway, I'm gonna barge in and recycle this thread.

I wanna buy a playstation 3 so I can play red dead redemption with a couple of friends. One has RDR and undead nightmare, the other only has RDR.

He says I should get undead nightmare as you can multiplyer with someone with either game.

Is that true?

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I'm sure this is against the forum rules.

But anyway, I'm gonna barge in and recycle this thread.

I wanna buy a playstation 3 so I can play red dead redemption with a couple of friends. One has RDR and undead nightmare, the other only has RDR.

He says I should get undead nightmare as you can multiplyer with someone with either game.

Is that true?

depends what version of undead nightmare you get. theres 2 types i think,. you can either buy it in the shop at like £25 and you just get the undead nightmare game, works on its own, or you can buy it online via psn for like £8, which downloads it to the ps3, but you need the original RDR to play it.

personally if your spending like £150+ on a console, id spend like £20 on a pre owned copy of red dead redemption, and download the undead nightmare vis psn, end up costing you like £5 extra but you get about 3 times as much gameplay value, since RDR single player campaign is way longer than that of undead nightmare.

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