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Foam Grips Install


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I have installed Trialtech foam before using hairspray, it didnt move, but I could not push the grips all the way in.

They've worn out and I gotta install them again, but this time I want to make sure they go in full

I have Trialtech foam with black trialtech sport bar.

I was looking at this method

but I couldnt be sure since its the rubber grips, and maybe foams could be loose?

Is it possible not to use anything to hold the grips?

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I would have thought trialtech foams would be too tight to use that method and probably wouldn't stretch out like rubber grips would.

Maybe just spray more hairspray and pull/push harder?

Wacking them on the end with you palm like the guy does in that video near the end also helps with me.

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i've installed trialtech foamies like 8 times

either ethanol or hairspray

just spray / poor a load on the bar and a load on the inside of the grip and just push and push and pulla nd push and put more hairspray / ethanol on the bar if it gets stuck tehn push and pull and push till it goes on

just takes a lot of efoort than wait 15 mins then the hairspray will be dry or if u dont wanna wait blow dry

hope this helps

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Satin black Halfords spray paint is the same colour as most anodised black bars. I just use paint on all mine now, properly locks them in place. You do have to cut them off at the end of their life, but that's a small price to pay for never getting throttle grip. Bonus of the colour-matched paint is that it doesn't look like you've put anything on the bars - ideal if you're ever planning on selling them on.

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